Anyone using donor 14044?

My wife and I bought 9 vials for donor 14044, but we are not doing the first insemination until June. I would like to connect with other people using this donor. All this waiting is killing me!


  • We bought some as our back-up... will start with him next month if this month doesn't take! :)
  • So exciting! Please let me know how it went.
  • Hi Bunker,

    How things are going? Are you using donor 14044?
  • Hey prdr! We are using 14044 this cycle and the tank was just shipped! Fingers crossed. :)
  • Yay! So exciting! Please keep me post. Hopelly you're going to be the first one to report a pregnacy. Fingers crossed.
  • Well, no BFP this month... I'm sticking with him for the next one though!
  • Sorry about the news, but I'm excited that you're staying with him. Do you know his counting or mobility?
  • Hello. I used 14044 for my first IUI this month, no BFP. Bunker I'm curious what type of vials you used and what the numbers were if you know. Thanks!
  • I just saw that he has a reported pregnacy!
  • I just saw that, too!!! Very promising.

    If I remember correctly, the total motile count was 15 mil. My next shipment arrives Fri! Super optimistic about this one. :)
  • That's great news! My shipment arrived today! Best of luck to you bunker - keep me posted!
  • I just had my first IUI yesterday and I used 14044. I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep you posted. I bought 3 vials so I have two more shots if this one doesn't take, but I'm hoping this one takes.
  • Good luck Jessp123!
    We are doing our first IUI in June. Please keep us posted.
  • Got a letter from the clinic saying it was low motility. I'm still in the tww but not feeling hopefully and now worried about the other vials I bought. I contacted CCB but it seems like it is a long process getting things credited. I don't know what to do? I can't afford any iui's with low motility.
  • Jessp123, don't give up yet! There is at least 1 reported pregnancy. But my clinic also registered a low count, and I got a BFN this try. I think I'm going to stick with him though. If anyone on this thread wants to communicate via regular email let me know. Are you all using ICI or IUI vials by the way?
  • Hi Jessp123 and Nathalie3. I'm so bummed about these news. We are trying our first IUI in less than two weeks. Did they tell how was his count?
    Nathalie3 my email is
  • Yes the motility was only 2.9 mil. Which is about half of the 5 mil that gives the best chances for pregnancy. The reported pregnancy is a good sign but if it is IVF the sperm count wouldn't matter much. For IUI it is a bigger deal. I'm supposed to call melonee and CCB to figure out what to do. I want to stay with the donor but I can't if the counts are low again. My email is
  • Jessp123 can you please let us know what Melonee and CCB tell you.
    Bunker mentioned in the past that he had a good count. Im so sad about this new.
  • BFN. Trying to figure out what to do. The count was low this time but I really like him and my other favorite is sold out. :/ I used IUI the first time and the second time ICI.

    Anyway I'm getting an HSG on Friday to figure out if my tubes are blocked or something and I have to go to IVF. (I wonder if the reported pregnancy was IVF?)

    Anyway, best luck to you all!! May will be a good month, right? :)
  • Bunker I am sorry for the BFN mine was too. I know how much it hurts. Do you know what the count was? I am trying to figure out what to do next too. I have 2 vials left, I am having a tough time getting any options or information from CCB. it is strange that mine counts were low, your counts were low and nathalie's counts were low. When I talked to Melonee she said the sample from this was very very good so it sounded like it was a problem with just my vial but it isn't looking that way. I have my next iui in 2 weeks I need to figure out what to do. I like this donor, but if all he vials I have are low count I can't afford to keep trying with him.
  • We just got a BFN with this donor as well. The motility of our vial came in at 13.1 mil after washing. It's worrisome the consistencies of the vials tho! In so sad to hear this....
  • We just did our first IUI and these were his after washed numbers:

    Count - 45 millions
    Motility - 27%
    Progression 2.0
    Total Live Cell - 6 millions

    This is our first time and Im not sure what the number mean.
    Lets the TWW begin!
  • May will be the month! Good luck, all!
  • Just did another IUI, and I was sure to get a copy of the numbers this time. I think they look good, so I'm not worried!

    These are the post wash numbers:

    Count 43.0 million
    Motility 38%
    Motile per insemination 16.3 million

    Good luck to you all! :)
  • Had my second IUI today
    used 2 vials because the count was low.
    both vials combined gave e a total of 7 million progressive motile.
    both vials were below the 10 mil total motile guarantee, however feeling good about having more than 5 mill progressive with the combine vials.
    Still trying to talk with Melonee ad CCB to figure all this out and see what my options are going forward.
  • Jessp123 I think that you should try to find out how your lab is treating the specimen because your numbers are way lower than everyone else. Beside that, I'm glad that this month you managed to have more than 5 millions.
    Maybe this is the month! Good luck all!
  • I have complete confidence in my clinic as it is one of the top in the nation. The tech from CCB called the clinic and verified how everything was handled and I have been credited for the first vial and the other vials are now under review.
  • Jessp123, glad to hear CCB is taking care of things. At least you got more than 5 million total for this round.. smart using two vials. I hope the others are ok!

    Fingers crossed for everyone. This TWW is killing me!
  • Jessp123 I'm glad that CCB gave you the money back!
    This TWW is killing me! Tomorrow is 12dpo and we are doing a HPT. I can't wait any longer.
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