Posts: 202
Well, I went for my regular appoitment with my maternal fetal specialist on Wednesday. We were supposed to discuss gestational diabetes and do a routine check on the babies. Turns out my cervix has thinned out completely. I showed no signs of dilation or active labor though. I was only 22 weeks and 5 days. They admitted me to the hospital and prescribed complete bedrest. I won't be leaving the hospital until I deliver. Today I am 23 weeks and 3 days. My dr set a goal of keeping these babies in for the next 30 days. So, hopefully I am in for a long, long, long hospital stay and I can keep these babies in me for several more weeks. Please keep me and these babies in your prayers. After my miscarriage in May, I thought when I hit 12 weeks, I was golden this time. I don't know what I will do if I lose these babies too.
Many many well wishes for you all....
Dj and Q
Good luck.
Even though we are strangers, I am sure there are many out there just like me who read these message boards as a lifeline to get through the struggle to make our babies, and want you to know they are thinking about you as well.
You can do this.
Be strong, we are all behind you.
Let us know if we can do anything.
A big hug to you,
My thoughts are with you. Stay strong. I understand where you are at. I know Ii was further along then you but remember what you have gone through to this point and think how strong you have been. Can they put a stitch in or is to late?
Some thoughts for you. See if the NICU has a support group for you. We had one when I was in the hospital and it was prior to delivery. We were taken to the group by wheelchair and were allowed to talk about our feelings with strangers. We also made friends that way and could go room to room to talk or they would visit us.
See if the NICU will come down to talk to you and see what you are in for. Make sure they also give you a Betamethazole shot for the babies lungs. If you need to talk email me off line and Ii can give you more info.
Don't stress and think of it this way this will be the most rest you get the rest of your life. I know, as Hunter was up every 90 minutes and last night he slept from 7:30 to 11:30 and then again until almost 5, i was shocked. Ii should have gotten up to wake him, as the NICU docs and his pedi wants him to eat every 4 hours max.
Catch up on your shows, get a hulu account and watch old TV shows, write a journal (wish I had), connect with other moms and Keep your spirits up. I know it is hard, but I have been there.
Make sure you talk to the NICU see if they will give you a tour, I have been there and they are amazing.
Hugs to you.
BTW what are youu having?
And we can't do the stitch. Apparently, there is nothing there to stitch. I am completely effaced. My dr was very blunt in telling me that if I had not had that appointment, I would have lost these babies just going about my regular routine within days or hours. So, thank God that I was seeing a specialist and had more frequent visits than most.
Anissa, thanks for the tips on NICU. My hospital does have social hour for moms twice a week. I am in ante labor with a lot of other moms here for long term treatment. We meet twice a week for snacks and crafts and visiting. I haven't gone yet because I just got approved to attend on Tuesday. It was half over before the dr approved it, so I skipped that day and will go Thursday. I am very lucky in that my work is allowing me to work from the hospital. This helps pass the time and keep my mind off things. It also helps because I haven't been at my job a year. My FMLA kicks in tomorrow, so working these few days has been a huge relief on my mind.
I will ask about the tour soon. My dr will get more lenient with me after Friday (24 weeks), I think. I might be able to get one in next week. For right now, it's pretty strict...short 5 minute showers, 15 minutes in a chair every 4 hours, etc...
And it's a boy and a girl!!! She has dropped much lower, but he is still pretty high. Last Wednesday at the dr appt, they both measured 1 lb 4 oz. This is pretty good size for 23 weeks, so that helps too. Of course, sonos are extremely unreliable in measuring size, but it does make me feel better to know they are measuring on the bigger size for their age.
Thanks for all the prayers and support. I will keep you guys updated.
How is your little one doing?
God bless you both, you inspire us all to hold on and keep looking for the light at the end of this sticky, dusty tunnel!!
Very moving article and may help you.
A thought if you are nursing pump as much as you can and keep us posted on what is going on.
Hugs to you and your little one.
I know it is early but if they have a lullibyes program sign up for it. Hunter fell asleep and it was the most amazing program that I could have asked for.
I will tell you today I went to a graduate NICU program and it was amazing to go back and hear other stories and how well the babies are doing. Keep your spirits up I know how hard it is, if you need anything contact me and I will help any way I can.
Hugs to both of you and Merry Christmas.
I just checked back in with the boards after a crazy few months. I am so sorry to see about all of this, but so happy to see how well your little Mckinlee is doing. What a little miracle she is! I hope you both had a fairly uneventful and peaceful Christmas. Hugs.