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    Hi Jennifer,

    I'm holding up ok, I guess. But I will admit I freak out at the smallest things. Like I was getting my hair done and someone started smoking. Even though they put the cigarette out, I could still smell the smoke like 5 to 10 minutes later. I left and told the hairdresser I would just have to come back the next day. LOL! She thought I was crazy. I went in for a massage and didn't think to ask if it was ok. Found a lot of articles that said massages during the first trimester can be problematic. Others said it would be ok as long as the massage therapist is certified in pregnancy. Freaked out until I called and got my answer from the doctor. :-)

    It's just I don't want to take any chance on hurting the baby.

    I go in for a blood test in the morning to determine my progesterone level and to tell whether I ovulated, which I'm sure I did!!!

    I'm trying to keep my mind off the waiting, but it's hard!! :-) Soooo, I started blogging at wordpress and that is helping me!!

    I am so praying for you that you get that BFP!!!!!! Sending you baby dust and well wishes!!! I will email you tonight!! We are right here together and we are going to have our babies in 2011!!!
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    Hi ladies! I had my HSG yesterday and all went well. I must admit that I was nervous. The anticipation was the worst. I didn't have much pain at all and it went really fast. The catherer caused the pain.

    Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound and then will get the go ahead for my ovidrel shot.

    I have gotten tons of calls from my doctor, the nurse, the hospital, the pharmacy for the ovidrel and clomid, the shipments for the vials, and all kinds of other things.

    I know one thing for sure the weather has delayed a lot of the shipments, but thank goodness I was proactive. So those considering ordering make sure you do it in a reasonable time frame. All systems are go for me at this point except for the trigger shot. That will arrive tomorrow, just in time ! It's in route now ! YEAH !

    I pray to inseminate on Sunday and Monday ! Perfect timing ! I'm off and won't have to use any more of my days... taking off work a few hours here and there is making people ask questions and I don't share my personal information with people on the job. They are so nosey.

    Best wishes to all ! Praying for BFP for you and ME!
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    Oh Gifts of Joy!! I'm so glad things are falling into place for you!! Wonderful!!! Sounds good! :-) I will be praying for you on Sunday and Monday.

    And you're right, you have to be proactive in ordering things!!! This winter weather is soooo unpredictable!! So glad that you have everything under control!!

    Unfortunately for me, AF showed up and brought three cysts with her. Sooo, not only am I not pregnant but I also cannot try this cycle. I overstimulated. I will be able to start in mid February.

    I was a little upset. Now, I'm ok. Everything happens for a reason. There is always next time for me.
    But, I'm going to keep checking back here for you!!! Keep me posted on how things go on Sunday and Monday for you.
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    Hold on ! I was speaking to my friend that referred me to my RE and she told me pretty much what my RE stated and what I've read. The 3X is the charm. I know we want it to happen the first time.

    She told me that she and 4 others went to my RE and they all have 'RE babies' is what they call them. They are about 8 months old now.

    I will also keep you in prayer and pray that it happens the next go round. My friend and I discussed the stress involved in the process. She said she was ready to give up and her husband kept bugging her about it and so she did an HSG and another round and viola ! We have to stay prayed up and have lots of patience!

    I went to get ultrasound today and I have one follicle on the left and one on the right. I'm on cd 12 and have to give trigger shot on monday evening and go in on Wed. So much for my no more days leaving work early... =)

    Blessings !
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    Thanks Gifts of Joy. You're right! And thanks for your prayers!! I need them!! I know God has a plan for me. He hasn't brought me this far to leave me now. :-)Also, the anxiousness I felt in going through the process the first time is gone. I know what to expect and I've just decided, it's going to happen only when God says so. Soooo, my mindset is a lot different. I think that will help. Also, I'm kinda glad I have to sit out month. It gives me some time recoup.

    As for you, Great! You have two dominant follicles!!! Well, I'm praying this is your time!!! And they still have time to grow before Wednesday. That's great!!!!! ;-) And hopefully, the people in your office won't be too nosy about your having to leave work early!!! But, I know how people can be. lol. God Bless you!!
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    I am absolutely sick to my stomach ! I did the trigger shot at 12am last night and I am ovulating and I am in so much pain right now.

    I don't normally have cramps like this when I ovulate and I feel nauseous. Anyone else feel this way? I had a headache earlier and had to take a nap.

    I go in at 9:00 am to pick up the sample and have to take it to my doct and will be inseminated at around 10:00am.

    Anyone else have to pick up the sample? Please tell me that I do not have to walk around the hospital with a huge tank.
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    I had similar reactions to the HcG shot.
    good luck.
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    Hi Gifts of Joy,

    I'm sorry that you had those reactions. I didn't have any thing nearly that severe from the HCG shot. Though I did feel that my stomach area was sore, it wasn't anything too horrible.

    I did, however, have nausea starting 8 days after taking the shot. I had it for 6 days. I thought I was pregnant. Turned out I wasn't.

    As for the sample, mine was shipped directly to my doctor's office from CCB. Soo, I don't know how big the tank is, what it likes or anything of that nature. Sorry!!

    But, I'll be praying for you and I hope everything goes well for you!!!
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    Thanks guys you all are so caring !

    I had iui yesterday, it went really fast. I picked up the specimen it was in a small bag *like one you may get when you purchase brownies) with the vial inside a cup.

    As I walked into the hospital I felt as if everyone was looking at me and knew what I had in the bag. I was holding it as if I was leaving a cafe with a bag of brownies.

    I have to go in for blood work next week to make sure I ovulated, and the nurse begged me not to test until 17 days after the iui. I plan on being strong and wait.

    I pray that we all get our beautiful healthy babies soon !
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    Hi Gifts of Joy,

    Yes, the IUI is really fast. My nurse told me the same thing about waiting. She asked me to wait 16 days after IUI. Of course, was I started getting the nausea and thought I was pregnant, I couldn't wait LOL!!

    It may be difficult to wait, but hold out if you can!!!

    And I am also praying that we all get our healthy, beautiful babies soon!!
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    well... tomorrow will make 13dpiui for me. I have been strong... tempted, but I remain strong. I have read all sorts of sites about symptoms and what not. my bestfriend asked me if I felt pregnant. Since I have never been pregnant,so I wouldn't know.

    What I do know is that I have mild cramps and it seems as if my cycle is trying to come. Today is the day it is supposed to come, but I don't see any signs of it and pray that I don't. I usually don't have cramps this long (they are hardly painful) and I don't have any soreness of breasts either. I have been craving salty foods... not sure what that is all about perhaps nerves.

    The nurse called me and told me my progesterone was 29.3 and they consider that good. She went on to say that the timing was prefect. So like many of you... I wait and try not to obsess.
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    No cycle is good news!!! Yes, that is a very good progesterone level!!!! I pray this is your time!! When does the doctor's office say you can test!! I'm proud of you for holding out this long without testing!!!! Good for you!!! I hope that your cycle does not come and that you get a BFP real soon!!!
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    I have been wanting to come and post, but my internet was down for a few days I guess because of the weatcher.

    My cycle started today and I was supposed to go and get blood work, but the office is closed. Nonetheless, I will start the process over again this month.

    I just hate having to jump through hoops to takie time off from work, but I realize that this what I want to do and since I will be a single mother I will have to take time off anyway when the baby gets ill or needs shots or etc.

    Besides, I have hardly taken off work before, but where I work my boss was details which is none of their business.

    I thought I would be really sad or emotional about it not working this time, but I'm not. I just remember what my doctor and friends told me how it happened for them and that sometimes it just takes awhile.

    For those of you still waiting have faith and believe Let's stay prayed up !


    Due to inclement weather my doc office is closed,
    anyone know if I have to get an ultrasound before taking clomid again to check to see if I have any cysts? (i read posts about it)

    and I know that last time I had to do a baseline ultrasound on CD4 which is Monday and take Clomid on CD5-9. I have my presctiption already.
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    Hi Gifts of Joy,

    I'm sorry to hear that you got your cycle. But, I am happy to hear that you are handling it so well!!! And you're right!! We're gonna have to take time off from work when the baby comes, might as well get in the habit now. :-)

    I know that my doc wanted to make sure that I had an ultrasound before I went back on meds after my failed cycle. They found 3 cysts and said I had to sit out the cycle. And yes, I took clomid. If today was the first day of your cycle, you still have time to get there before you would need to take the clomid.

    You're right! We need to stay prayed up. May we all be blessed with BFPs on our next cycles!!!
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