Donor 18163
Looking for any experience using Donor 18163! We’re about to start IVF in the new year with this donor and would love to hear about your experience or any reported pregnancies. Crossing our fingers for some good luck coming up.
Looking for any experience using Donor 18163! We’re about to start IVF in the new year with this donor and would love to hear about your experience or any reported pregnancies. Crossing our fingers for some good luck coming up.
Hello,I used Donor 18163,but unfortunately, the embryo had chromosomal abnormalities. Now my partner also wants use Donor 18163 for IVF .May I ask if you had a successful pregnancy?
Did you do any genetic testing on yourself? I saw the donor was negative for everything which is reassuring! Hopefully you’ll have good luck with the your partner! We are waiting for my body to cooperate before we do the retrieval but we should definitely keep each other updated! I’m hoping it’ll happen within the next month or so.
I have already done genetic testing. I think the reason my embryo didn’t pass might be due to my older age. When selecting a donor, you can search and exclude donors who have the same positive genetic markers as you. Wishing you and your partner all the best!