Looking to purchase donor #16829
I'm looking to purchase vials of 16829. Anyone have any you aren't going to use? IUI or ICI.
I'm looking to purchase vials of 16829. Anyone have any you aren't going to use? IUI or ICI.
Hello. Late response to your message from March. I anticipate having extra vials that haven’t left CCB.
Hi Krislec! I might be interested in purchasing your vials as well - how many do you think you’ll have? And what type? Thank you!
Hello, I have 5 vials for 16829 if anyone is still interested!
Hi! I am.
I have 5 IUI vials. 4 still at California Cryo. 1 at my fertility clinic.
Also Giuma3 so sorry for the delay. I never came back to check for a response then I had my babies early.
I am interested in vials of 16829 if anyone has any please email rumerandesa@gmail.com