Transgender Family -2019
Hi there,
I saw the last post about a transgender family was in 2016. A lot of things have changed since then and I haven't found another post talking about the experience.
Just wanted to offer our family up for those looking for more information, or those curious to see what our cryobank experience is like. I'm FTM. My wife is cis. We want to advocate for the community more instead of living our life in secret. SO, we made a youtube! The plan is to upload every Tuesday and document the IVF process. If interested, here's a link to the channel. There's only one video up, but I have another one ready for Tuesday:
Please ask us questions.
I love this! My husband is FTM and I am cis. I'll be following along!!
Best wishes and good luck!
Thanks for starting this thread Tboy! I’m FTM and my wife and I are finally in the financial position to build our family. We are going through the donor sperm selection process now. I’m so thankful to have seen your post at the start of our journey to know that we are not alone!
Thanks for your post! I’m FTM and my partner is gender non-conforming (pronouns they/them) we had a perfect baby in June of 2018 using a cryobank donor. My partner carried but we’re talking about a second child that I may decide to carry.