Seeking vials 14127
Hi, I am looking for vials from donor 14127. Please let me know if you have any to sell. Thank you in advance for your help with my fertility journey.
Hi, I am looking for vials from donor 14127. Please let me know if you have any to sell. Thank you in advance for your help with my fertility journey.
We have two vials we want to sell from this donor 14127. We have one son and I am 5 months pregnant with our second child. Are you still looking for this donor?
Yes, we still are interested. We are hoping to start IVF soon. Please let me know how much you are seeking. Thanks for reaching out!
These two vials are still available. I would love to help you on your journey for a bio sibling. How do we get in touch outside of these public messages! It says not to post emails but I’m not sure how to reach out to you personally.
Thank you so much! Here is my cell: 717-386-1559. Looking forward to speaking with you.
Are any vials still available??? We have a son and we just used our last vial . I would love a bio sibling for him. Please let me know
Looking to purchase any vials of 14127 if available. We have a perfectly healthy baby girl (with a little eczema), looking to try for a sibling
Sorry- my contact info if anyone has vials to sell: