Hello all!
Just bought my vials for Donor 15149, his profile says there are reported pregnancies, anyone willing to share their experience?
Hello all!
Just bought my vials for Donor 15149, his profile says there are reported pregnancies, anyone willing to share their experience?
Hi! My wife and I chose this donor back in March of 2018. He was the only donor on our list and we had a BFP with our first IUI attempt. We just welcomed our baby boy on 12/13/18 and he is absolute perfection. How was your experience??
@kwms23 congratulations!! That’s such wonderful news!! I’m currently 5 months along with twin girls 💗💗 and due in July.
@Sr287678 congratulations!!!! That is amazing news. Wishing you a healthy remainder of your pregnancy and a wonderful birth ☺️
@kwms23 hey!!! Just checking in, my little angels are turning 5 months next week and I’m still in awe 🥰. How’s your little man doing?
Wishing your and your family all the best!!
@Sr287678 Hi there! Hope all is going well with you! It goes by so fast doesn't it? My little man just turned ten months last week, and I cannot believe how big he is getting. Hopefully getting geared up to start trying for #2 soon! Do your little ones have red hair like the donor??
Hey there wanted to introduce myself. I am a choice mom. Used donor 15149, and got lucky on my first IUI attempt. Due July 2020.
Pregnant with 15149 due in June 2020!
My little boy by 15149 just turned 5 weeks old! He has had dark hair since birth but I feel like it may lighten up to an auburn color like mine. Anyone on the sibling registry?
@kwms23 yes, it’s going by sooo quickly! We just reached the 8.5 month mark, did you just celebrate 12 months??!! Oh that’s wonderful, fingers crossed for number two! One of my girls has whiskey brown eyes with light brown hair and the other has greenish brown eyes with reddish brown hair, both are perfect ☺️. How about your little guy?
@gwinna @redstone2137 congratulations guys!! wishing you a safe and pleasant pregnancy!
@sahernan81 congrats! I’m not on the registry.
@Sr287678 @kwms23
Just reaching out to let you know that we have created a private Facebook group for 15149 donor siblings. There are 5 families with 7 siblings, soon to be 8, in the group. It has been amazing to have contact with my child’s siblings. Please reach out to me if you would like to join our amazing extended family @ sahernandez81 at gmail dot com