
1st IUI cycle - Donor 14492



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    Hi SLRH2012,
    I think it's still too early to expect success from this donor as he just became available towards the end of July. My guess is that anyone using him has just had 1-2 cycles if any.

    We had our first last month and he had 10.9 mil motile. I think California Cryobank expects about 5-10 mil but I may be wrong. Our first attemp was negative but we have age against us as my partner is 39 and has a diminished ovarian reserve.

    We just started cycle #2 and hope to have IUI #2 mid/late next week; I'll keep you posted.

    Good luck on yalls journey!!!
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    Oh, I see. Good luck on your second attempt!

    I decided to do a second round of IUI. My doctor suggested that I consider a more aggressive cycle with daily injections but this option does not seem to considerably increase the probability of conception. So, I thought I would follow the same protocol I had my last cycle.

    It seems like we are on the same boat in terms of age and, therefore, diminished ovarian reserve. I hope success is on its way. Sending prayers your way as well!
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    LTexas- Thanks for the reply :-) Yes, I guess it is a little too early. My wife and I have 2 children and are ready to start on baby #3.
    For our second child-- We got pregnant on the second IUI. We did many unsuccessful ICI attempts. Our first vial was 23 million and the second was 17 million. Seems as if all the newer donors have lower counts--- but I know it only takes one!
    Good luck to you and your wife. A very good friend of ours had her little boy at 42. Hopefully, cycle number 2 is it for you guys!!!! Baby dust to everyone!
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    Baby dust to you too SLRH2012! Keep us posted.
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    Dana01 - thanks! Looks like our next attempt will be sometime next week if all goes well. Good luck on try #2 for you as well!! We're going to try a couple of old wives tales this month to see if we get a positive. Pineapple to help with implantation and Mucinex to help with thinning out the mucus. Can't hurt to try is my thoughts. Sending prayers your way!!

    SLRH2012 - thank you! Hoping for great results this time as well! Good luck to both of you! I just looked at 14492's profile again and he now has reported pregnancies so that's great news!
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    Hello everyone, I just had my first IUI yesterday! I'm praying this will be successful. I wasn't happy that the lab tech explained to me before the procedure that it was only 2 million active sperm in the vial and I think CCB guarantee at least 15 million. Nevertheless fingers still crossed! Now we wait 2 weeks or see if my cycle come. I will let you all know the status. Best wishes to you all during your process!
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    Hi Sherres2,
    Congratulations on your first try! Sending lots of luck and prayers your way!!
    You may contact the bank about the counts, I've read some posts where credit was given if the counts were less than guaranteed. While it won't help you this cycle, it could come useful if you need more cycles.

    Best of luck to y'all!
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    Thanks for the well wishes and the information L Texas. I meant to call CCB today to speak with someone, but they were closed by the time I got around to it. I put 15 million in the initial post but I meant 13. I will definitely call on Monday to follow up. In the meantime we are just waiting. I hope all is well on your end and good luck to you and your spouse.
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    How's the wait going Sherres2? Hopefully it's not driving you too crazy!

    Today's day 12 of my partner's cycle and follicle unreasoning looked good so she was given a trigger shot. We go in tomorrow morning for IUI #2 and then we wait and hope the eggs and sperm do their magic.
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    Hi LTexas,

    I am happy to hear about your progress so far. How did the IUI procedure go?

    Best of luck on this cycle! Keep me posted!
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    Hey Dana01,
    IUI #2 was yesterday and went well. My partner had a 27mm follicle on one side and a 29mm follicle on the other side so crossing our fingers that they both dropped and our chances are doubled this month. Our counts were a bit disappointed at only 9.7 million motile; a little more than a million less than last month. Still we remain hopeful since t only takes one strong swimmer.

    My partner seems to have been cramping more than last time but she says that it's nothing too bad, just uncomfortable. Now we wait and hope that the next two weeks fly by! I will say that our nervousness was way less this time around; I guess because we knew what to expect.

    Hope everything is going well on your end! Are you getting close to try #2?
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    Hi LTexas,

    Happy to hear your IUI procedure went well. With 2 mature follicles you hopefully have pretty good chances. How is the TWW going for you and your partner?

    9.7 mln sounds fine. My doctor said anything close to 10mln is perfect. He also advised that cramping and mild pain after IUI might be the result of the large follicle turning into a corpus luteum cyst after ovulation and there is nothing to worry about.

    Yeah, first experience comes with a lot of anxiety and nervousness. I am glad that it feels less stressful this time around. I hope it will be the same for me. I am also thinking about the second attempt.

    Sending lots of positive energy and prayers your way!
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    Hey there!
    We are exactly a week into the TWW and it's going good. My partner thinks that next week will be tougher to wait out than this week was but we will be headed out of town right after it ends so I'm hoping that the last minute planning will keep us busy.

    Thanks for all the positivity and prayers! Hope that your journey continues and success is in your future!
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    Hey LTexas,

    Hope the TWW goes super fast - few more days and hopefully good news! Enjoy your time and thanks for the kind words!
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    Hello everyone,

    I had my insemination on September 16th and my period came almost a week later,the same week I was told to take the pregnancy test. This was a shocker because this was my second period in one month. I've experienced this in the past, but since I got my fibroids removed my cycles been kind of consistent. The doctors acted surprised and confused. They said I must have a ovulation disorder, so they putting me on progesterone medication during this cycle.

    I go back to the doctor tomorrow for ultrasound monitoring. If everything goes well, we will try for a second insemination on Thursday. Just trying to take things one day at a time is hard.

    LTexas, the wait didn't last long as you can see, but we gonna try again. I'm interested in seeing how many motile sperms are in the second vial I purchased. The Fertility Center submitted my paperwork from the last vial so hopefully I will be hearing something soon. Thanks again for checking in, I'm trying to stay stress free and not worry about the unknown! Take care.:)
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    Hi Sherres2,

    How did your ultrasound go today?

    Sorry to hear that your IUI was unsuccessful. Were you on medications (Chlomid, HCG, etc.)? Maybe it was your body's reaction to an unusual hormonal change...?

    In any case, I am glad to see your positive attitude. I do hope next cycle brings excellent news.

    It is always nice to feel others' support because we are all going through the same process. So, my prayers and positive energy are with you.

    Good luck!
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    Hi ladies!

    So sorry to hear that your last attemp was unsuccessful Sherres2! I hope that your ultrasound went well and you had your second IUI today. Wishing the best of luck to you as you go into your TWW!!

    Our second attempt also ended a bit early on day 25 when spotting started. I was holding out hope that it was late implantation bleeding but AF came in full force the next morning. Our doctor decided to increase my partner's Clomid dosage to 100mg a day in hopes of combating my partner's diminishing reserve. My partner's cycle returned to its regular length this time around so I'm hoping that's a good sign of her body regulating and that that will also help us.

    Loads of positive energy to all of you!!
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    Hello dana01, it is very nice to talk to people who understands what we are going thru. As for my week, for some reason one day the doctors could see my ovaries during the ultrasound and the next appointment they couldn't find them. I had a lot of blood work done last week to check my Estrogen and some other levels. That's ultimately how they determined/assumed I ovulated and I ended up getting my second insemination on Saturday. Fingers crossed again, and praying for success. I'm also on progesterone medication now.

    The sperm count was low again with the second vial. Anyone else having this problem? I really like this donor so I hope we won't have to switch.

    LTexas, I'm sorry to hear about your second attempt, and I'm happy to hear her cycle is showing some normalcy. We never know what to expect from month to month. I'm trying to stay positive and worry free. I'm wishing you two and everyone all the best the next time around.

    Praying for everyone! I will definitely keep you all posted. Take care!
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    dana01 I didn't answer your question. I was prescribed 25mg of clomid for the first 3 days of my first cycle. I had the trigger shot the day before my IUI. This cycle I took the same amount of clomid, but this time they said it was no need since they thought I had already ovulated. Like I said in the last message they put me on the progesterone medication because my cycle came sooner then anticipated the last time.

    In the meantime I'm waiting for open season so I can switch insurance providers. I hear Aetna gives women who qualify fertility assistance.This is my backup plan just in case I have to go the IVF route. Thank you for the well wishes, we shall be in touch!
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    Hi ladies!
    Good luck to you Sherres2 as you progress during the next two weeks! Praying you get a positive! Please let me know what you find out about the insurance; we have zero coverage now and may have to go IVF route so would love to have help if possible.

    We had our 3rd IUI this afternoon and our counts were 11 million so I'm wondering if maybe your vials came from a different batch. We bought a day or two after the donor became available and then he was sold out by the time we had our first attempt. A bit later he had more so hopefully future batches will have higher numbers and you won't have to switch donors. Hoping that the bank has been easy to work with on getting credit for any vials that do not meet the criteria.

    Lots of love and positive energy to all of you!!
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    Hello LTexas, I'm happy to hear that you and your partner are still pressing forward. Best wishes this time around! This second week has been a little nerve wrecking, but I'm praying for a positive outcome. The doctor told me to take a pregnancy test on Sunday.

    I definitely did some research on the health insurance and as long as you have some type of health problem related to infertility you qualify for the assistance. You should be able to review Aetna website to see if you like what's offered in the package.The issue that I have with the plan is it's a HMO and not a PPO so you will be restricted to seeing only doctors within the Network. Not as many options and freedom that you get with a PPO. I'm willing to deal with the limited access until I get a baby and then I will switch back to BCBS.

    Sorry about the long message, I didn't want to leave anything out,lol. Take care!
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    Hello! My wife and I are trying this donor for the first time in the next several days. We have tried two other donors with no luck. This will be our 6th IUI. Switching donors and doctors. Any updates on any of your stories? <3
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    Hi ATX!
    Good luck! We are currently 7dpiui and will begin testing this coming Saturday. No specific symptoms to report as of yet that seem like we could get a positive but it's still early! Please kee us updated on your progress!

    Sherres2 - Thanks for the info on the insurance; something I'll definitely have to look into if we head towards IVF. I hope you received some positive news this weekend or in the coming days!
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    Hello everyone,

    Unfortunately I took a pregnancy test on Sunday and both times it was negative. I felt confident that it worked this time because I haven't had a period in 31 days. My guess is the progesterone medication that I was taking stopped my cycle. We are so drained with the process we decided to take off for the holidays and start again in January. I hope and pray our 3rd IUI will take and we can save time and money, because our next option is trying IVF. My fear in waiting is my fibroids will continue to grow, but I have to think positive.

    I contacted the Fertility Center financial department, LTexas and found out that they don't except HMO or HNO health insurance. I'm confused because it's hard enough trying to find a insurance company that will offer fertility assistance, and now that I found one now a "FERTILITY CENTER" doesn't except this type of insurance. I'm going to research other fertility centers in my area.

    In the meantime I just have to pray that next year will be our year to prepare for a new addition. I'm sad about the negative pregnancy test results, but I know this is a process. I hope this donor will be available in the future because he is the only one we really like.

    I wish you and ATX well during this cycle! I will definitely keep checking in and see how well things are going for everyone. Take care
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    Hi ladies,

    How're you doing LTexas? Any news about the third cycle yet? Sending over only positive vibes!

    Sorry about your failed attempt, Sherres2 but glad to see that you're being very positive. We all need to stay positive and hope for the wishful outcome.

    After my 2nd failed IUI I decided to move to IVF. I have no insurance coverage, so researching some financing options. My RE says it is worth trying a couple more IUIs but I have not been coping well with negative results so far, perhaps because I don't have a partner's shoulder to cry on;)

    Wishing you both a happy Halloween and hoping to hear great news from you soon!
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    dana01, thank you for the positive vibes and I understand what you mean about moving on to IVF and trying to cope. Definitely different when single, I started the process when I was single so I understand how you feel.

    I just want to try something that will work. We are going to put our money towards IVF planning as well. Any financial assistance information I find out about I will be certain to share.

    In the spirit of trying to stay positive, I' am claiming a pregnancy in the upcoming New Year for all of us! We will be preparing for our new bundles of joy very soon! Then we can all meet so the babies will know their siblings! :)

    Happy Halloween, and be safe everyone.
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    Hi ladies!
    Thank y'all for the warm wishes! We tested this past Saturday (12piui) and it was negative. Due to the emotional toll of the negative tests we have decided to not test again unless she is several days late. Today is 14dpiui and her period should have started yesterday or today. It's a long shot but I'm hoping that somehow we end up with a positive this month. We have also begun to explore IVF and are hoping for financial reasons that we don't have to go that route but we may be more successful that way so only time will tell.

    Sorry to hear about your negative Sherres2! Those negative tests definitely take a toll! Pregnancies in the new year for us all! I love the sound of that!!

    Dana01, I can only imagine how much tougher this is to go through alone! Sending lots of love as you move on to your next step!
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    Thank you so much for your kind words, ladies! I hope all is going well for you.

    12piui is certainly too soon for a test. I hope you ended up having a positive.

    Sending over my positive thoughts. I do second your motion - pregnancies next year for all of us!!!
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    Thank you! Unfortunately Cycle #3 ended in a negative as well. We are currently on day 6 of our 4th and final IUI.

    If this cycle doesn't take, we will be headed to reciprocal IVF.
    Scared but already planning for that route if it comes to down to it.
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    Sorry about the negative, LTexas. Hopefully cycle 4 is the lucky one! Best of luck and keep us posted!
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