Whether my son looks like donor?

Am I able to email a photo of my 18 month old to find out if any of his features look like the donor I used (ie, like his prominent cleft chin --almost like John Travolta, for example.) Donor 3846. I can tell he has my eyes and nose. Just curious.



  • Hi Buck -

    It is difficult to compare an 18 month old to an adult since your little one has a long way to grow into his features. I can tell you Donor 3846 has a slight cleft, but not nearly as strong or prominent as John Travolta. This information is available on his Facial Feature report along with specifics on his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hair, cheeks, teeth, etc.


  • But can he dance like Travolta yet?

  • I would love to see a picture since I too also purchased from Donor 3846. :)
  • My wife and I used donor 3846. We have 2 children and one on the way from this donor. Our oldest is a girl- 18 months. Our 6.5 month old is a boy. Our daughter has auburn colored hair and green eyes. Our son has blond hair and blues. Neither has a cleft chin, but they are super cute. Carronski- do you also have a successful pregnancy with donor 3846? It's nice to know that our children have some siblings out there.
  • Sorry to impose, but I'm new to this and wondering how it feels to know your children have siblings out there? We really want children and I know there is nothing I can do about it, but reading up on things here it looks like one person can have up to 20 family units which scares me. Does this all just disappear once i have my little one in my arms?
  • Hi Faith222 -

    I just wanted to clarify for you that the 20 families is world wide, so while the number might seem daunting, it is really quite small and spread out. We ship to over 30 countries as well as all 50 states. Hopefully, some of our readers will weigh-in with their own personal feelings, but I can tell you that every CCB parent I have ever communicated with had so much love for their little one that the process they used to get there couldn't have been less relevant.

    Good luck,

  • Hi Definenormal
    When is your third on it's way?
  • I used the same donor 3846, and I would love to compare pictures of our children. Allymonami@aol.com

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