
Home insemination success stories

Can anyone provide home insemination success stories? I'm reading a lot of non-success stories and recommendations of alternative methods and I'm looking for some encouragement. Please respond with success stories only. Thank you!


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    Also interested in hearing success stories! We just did our first ICI this past weekend. Hope to be back in a couple of weeks with good news!

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    @Lesp141184 don't get discouraged. I'm trying at home insemination as well. I still wanted to explore options so we had a fertility clinic consultation today. And when I tell you I've never been more certain about doing it at home. Not even about the pricem but they didn't tell me anything that I didn't already research myself. Nothing that made me feel like wow. I should go this route. Either way you try it the percent of success is around the same with donor sperm. Get on some fb groups. I see people having success stories through mosie baby and stork etc.

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    My wife and I decided to start the process as well during my early July ovulation window. We hadn't seen any doctors nor taken any medication. We just wanted to start on our own first before jumping into anything else, that might not even be needed. When we got our tank, they also included little syringes that worked to just 'suck up the sperm' and then insert it directly into my vagina and that was that. They were by no means magnum size, so what it might lack in one arena, it certainly delivered in the functional part! I had started BBT tracking about a month prior so I had some data to leverage and used an OPK in June to get a baseline of timing. So, we ordered 3 vials for at-home ICI about 4 days before my expected ovulation. Luckily, I had the luxury of an 'ovulation dip' with my BBT and so that was the first day we used a vial and then one more the next day when I had my LH surge and then again the next day which was my actual ovulation. Fast forward to the afternoon of 9DPO and I took my first pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE! Very faint, but there was a line! The next morning, 10DPO, we used two different pregnancy test brands and two more +'s! For good measure, we did it again this morning, 11 DPO, with two more different types of tests, and more +'s...no turning back now! Oh, and three days after my ovulation I turned 37, so hope is out there!

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    Hi. Congratulations!!! This is such an inspirational post; thanks for sharing and good luck!
    Can I please ask you what BBT tracking is as well as OPK?

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    My wife and I are starting our journey. I am bouncing between ICI at home and IUI in office- we’d like to do an at home insemination but with me turning 38 in about a week, we feel worried about it taking more tries at home than in office.. Which maybe isn’t true? I am also wondering - is it possible to use IUI sperm with a home insemination? With inserting it into the vagina? Or do you have to use ICI sperm? Any knowledge on this would be super appreciated. Baby dust to all!

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    @MommiesMN congrats! Did you insert soft cup after insemination? Or you were only laying with your legs up against the wall for a while?

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