Pregnancies for these donors??
Inquiring about 15043, 14905, 15237, and 13532. Any reported pregnancies/births and how many vials left of each. Thank you sooooooo much!!!
Inquiring about 15043, 14905, 15237, and 13532. Any reported pregnancies/births and how many vials left of each. Thank you sooooooo much!!!
Please note that the vial inventory can change at any moment. If you miss out on vials, you could be on the waiting list for months or even years with no guarantee of ever purchasing vials. We offer free storage options to help you secure vials for future use.
Donor 15043 - No reported pregnancies yet, he was only added to our catalog in December. He is down to his last 11 IUI premium vials and 4 ICI premium vials. (No additional vials will be released.)
Donor 14905- Currently less than 5 reported pregnancies and it's too soon for reported births. He has over 25 IUI premium vials and 23 ICI premium vials.
Donor 15237 - Currently less than 5 reported pregnancies and it's too soon for reported births. He has over 25 IUI premium vials.
Donor 13532 - Currently has more than 5 reported pregnancies and he also has reported births. He is down to his last 25 IUI premium vials. (No additional vials will be released.)
California Cryobank
Hey Nicole! Thanks for getting back to me!! How are the vials looking for 13532 as of now?
@Mommas4Baby Donor 13532 has 25 IUI premium vials available.
California Cryobank
Hey Nicole!
I am going to my RE tomorrow and will be ovulating in a couple days after. How quickly from when u receive the paperwork could I get the vials shipped and how quickly can they get to San Francisco??
Thank you so much!!!!!
Also, would it be possible to pick up the specimen and bring it to my doctor same day?
@Mommas4Baby It sounds like you have a tight timeline. It takes us one business day to process the A1 form, so if your physician faxes or emails it tomorrow, you can schedule your shipment on Monday. If you call us on Monday before 2pm, we can send it out same day ($80 extra) and use FedEx Priority Overnight ($295) for expected delivery on Tuesday morning.
Please keep in mind that we can't guarantee delivery days/times and we always recommend having your vials arrive at least 48 hours before your procedure. Inclement weather, mechanical issues with planes, etc. can cause unforeseen delays and we don't want you to miss your insemination.
I would recommend calling Client Services at 866-927-9622 first thing tomorrow morning and ask them for help arranging your shipment. If you already have the A1 form from your physician, they might be able to ship out the specimen for arrival on Saturday or Monday.
It's too late to ship the specimen to our Palo Alto branch and arrange for pickup there. You need to allow at least a week for the branch transfer and processing. Here's more information on our branch transfer and pickup option:
Please call Client Services tomorrow morning because they will try their best to help you get your shipment in time.
California Cryobank
I just had my Beta confining pregnancy with donor 15043. However I see that his vials are nearly gone. I’m only 3 weeks. Hoping this sticks. Best of luck and sticky baby dust!!
Could you please tell us the pregnancies ,births, and availability for donors #14874 and #14543? Thank you we will be having IUI soon and dr is asking for it delivered Wednesday of next week so can we order by Monday and it still get here on time ?
Donor 14874
Donor 14543
It is possible to order on Monday and have it arrive on Wednesday, but it's not guaranteed and the shipping cost will be more expensive. We always recommend having your vials arrive at least 48 hours before your insemination, especially if your clinic has cryogenic storage. Inclement weather and mechanical issues with planes are a couple reasons that a package can get delayed and we don't want you to miss your insemination.
I usually recommend calling Client Services at least a week before you want your package to arrive and discuss the different shipping options and rates. If you place your order before Monday, you may be able to take advantage of the FedEx Economy shipping option instead using FedEx Priority.
California Cryobank
@cryo-admin any updates on reported pregnancies or births from 14874?
@Operation1BrownGayby Donor 14874 has more than 5 reported pregnancies.
California Cryobank
Any updates on 15043?
@sharpie1104 Yes, Donor 15043 has reported pregnancies, currently less than 5.
Please note that Donor 15043 is down to his final 10 vials. He completed our donor program and no additional vials will be released. If you plan to use this donor for IUI cycles, we recommend purchasing at least 4 vials. (You'll also receive 1 year of free storage.) If you are thinking of having two children, I would recommend purchasing at least 8 vials, and you'll receive 3 years of free storage. Here's more info on our family planning programs:
California Cryobank
@SMC43 I also had a pregnancy with donor 15043 but it ended in ruptured ectopic pregnancy requiring emergency surgery and removal of my fallopian tube. I hope your pregnancy is a much more positive experience. Sending well wishes from a heartbroken almost mommy.
@HeartFullofHope sooo sorry that you had that experience! Our iui is scheduled this morning with donor 15043. Thank you for the feedback! @SMC43 any updates with being positive?
Update. We had 22million count this morning so fingers crossed! They said everything looked great!
Best of luck @sharpie1104
@HeartFullofHope Thank you!
Soo we were supposed to wait until 12/1 to test, but I had my wife test Wednesday, Thursday, and today and all test are BFP!!! So excited!!!! We’ll take a another tomorrow and then contact our fertility clinic but looks our first iui with 15043 took!!!
Updated!! Definitely got our BFP!!!!
@Mommas4Baby I kno I'm late on this post but I am preggers with donor 14905 due in june
Saw our little peanut Thursday! Heart rate was 126! 7 weeks today. Dr says everything looks great. We’re officially moved from our fertility clinic to our regular OB!
Update for Donor 15043 - He has more than 5 reported pregnancies.
California Cryobank
We’re officially 10 weeks with donor 15043. Baby is doing great. Heart rate was 160 today!
@sharpie1104 @kri55y59 Congrats on your pregnancies! Please remember to also officially report your little one's birth when the time comes. You can use our online report:
Had another check up today! Baby sounded great! Had our NIPT drawl today so well find out in about a week the results from that!
@cryo-admin I called and double checked a few weeks ago about our donor package.. they said it was shipped at the end of December... mid-feb now and we have still not received it... is there tracking info on these if I call back in?
Any updates on 14131?
@kri55y59 Congrats! We gave birth in December to a little one using 14905
@As0711 Donor 14131 has more than 5 reported pregnancies. He also has reported births.
California Cryobank
Updates on donor 14905?
@Mariya123 Donor 14905 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.
Please note that Donor 14905 completed our donor program and no additional vials will be released. If you are thinking of using vials for a future insemination or want to have more than 1 child using this donor, it's important to purchase vials now and store them for the future. We provide 30 days of free storage or 1-3 years of free storage with the purchase of 4-8+ vials. Here's more info:
I just don't want you to miss out on securing vials while they are available.
California Cryobank
Hello all - we had a baby girl with 14905 in Dec 2018. Would love to connect with any parents via the sibling registry!