Donor 15160
My wife and I are fixing to use this donor next month. Anyone else use him yet? I know it says no pregnancies reported but we are giving him a try
My wife and I are fixing to use this donor next month. Anyone else use him yet? I know it says no pregnancies reported but we are giving him a try
Our IUI is scheduled for March 7th! So excited but nervous!
We have purchased this as well, also shooting for first IUI in March- keep us posted!! Good luck!!
My wife took femara 2.5 mg days 5-9. Triggered on Monday night (3/5) and IUI was Wednesday morning (3/7). We are in the big TWW! The IUI went great. She is having some brown discharge (small amount), cramping, and low back pain. Its only 3 1/2 days post IUI, so I know its to early for implantation. We had 1 IUI last March and she didn't have any spotting after, so idk what this could be.
@Luckynumber1- when do you all go in for your IUI?
AWH! So hopeful for you all! We go in for Ultrasound on the 20th. Started Femara 3/11 -3/15 but found out one tube is clogged on 3/14. We will see what the Dr. says with this new information but if follicles look good on the open side, should do IUI next week!
We are 14dpt and 12dpiui. We tested out the trigger shot (I know a lot of people say not to but we wanted to know when it was out) and on 9dpiui 11dpt it was not there. The next day there was a faint line and everyday after darker, and now the line is back and bright pink. My wife is very nauseous and cannot hardly eat anything. We have to wait until 14dpiui to call the doc to schedule an appointment. So fingers crossed this is what it seems like. We aren't celebrating just yet. Good luck to you all!
So hopeful for you all! Had an ultrasound today and there are 2 mature follicles on the side that is clogged but we haven't given up all hope to move forward anyways...Let's definitely keep the positive juices flowing!!
Two week wait starts today! Have you heard anything yet? What did the Dr. say about the donor's sperm count and motility? How is your wife?
We got our BFP!!! We go in for our first ultrasound the 9th of April!!! So excited and nervous at the same time. The office we go to doesn't do sperm count. They just make sure it is mobile. She has been so nauseous and tired. Please keep us posted. Good luck to you all. Fingers crossed and baby dust!!!
Omg!! So exciting! Big chills all over! Looks like you were the first with our donor and hit it out of the park! Here’s hoping for two in a row! Congrats to y’all!!
I'm not sure how reporting the pregnancy on here goes but we are waiting until after the first ultrasound to report it. I am so happy we took a chance with this donor. I am still having my wife POAS! I am so happy but so nervous. We are praying everyday for you all! How are you feeling?
Totally understand that nervousness... I think it is that way from iui until delivery!! I’ve been feeling good— probably too good to be pregnant
but we will see! Thank you for the prayers, we can absolutely use them! 8 days to go! Praying for you all too! Please keep posting, it’s so encouraging!!
Don’t look to much into not having symptoms right now. That doesn’t mean it’s not working. My wife didn’t have symptoms and then one day she started with backache and nausea. I have read post that a lot of people haven’t had any symptoms and still got their BFP. I would tell you to just try to stay calm but it’s the TWW... no one stays calm. Do try to stay busy. It makes the time pass a bit more.
Is it weird that the closer we get to test day, the calmer I get? Actually felt some weird movement last night, slight cramping -- maybe that was implantation on day 8/9? Fingers are certainly crossed! We are going to test Thursday night and again Saturday just to be sure. Thank God it is a full 5 days between now and then! We bought 6 vials of this donor, so we are committed either way!!
As of last night, 11 Dpo, we have a faint line! 2 more days before a real blood test to confirm! Couldn’t be more thrilled at the possibility but like you all, cautiously optimistic! Can’t wait to hear about your upcoming ultrasound!
Omg!!! I’m so excited for you all! Can’t wait for an update!!!!
It is LEGIT! Levels look good and we check them again tomorrow to make sure everything is doubling! This is the craziest feeling ever!! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes--looks like we are in this together!
We are so happy for you all. I can’t believe this happened the first time for both of us
Looks like we picked a winner! What is your due date? Where are y’all located?
I have to healthy embryos from this donor, 1 girl and 1 boy. I’m doing my first Transfer August 21st.....I’m so excited!!! I’ll keep you in the loop 💕
That is great news! Can’t wait to hear how everything goes! That’s the day we did our IUI
Now I am holding our 12 week old son!
Awww really?!? That’s awesome!!! I’ll let you know how everything turns out. Thanks 💕
Any news?
Hi!! Yes, everything went perfect with the transfer 🎉
I’m 23 days pregnant 🤰🏻
I’m very happy but being cautious with my emotions because I’m taking a lot of medication and I need to wait the 12 weeks before getting really excited ❤️
Congratulations! It’s such an emotional time. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Congratulation to you both !!
She is a healthy chunky baby. Today we had her second doctor’s appointment for shots. The doctor said she is very in advance for her.
My wife and I used this donor for our reciprocal IVF Invocell last August. We had two eggs fertilized. Our daughter was born in May of this year
Good luck for everything !
That’s awesome!! Congrats 🎉 , it’s so nice to hear everybody experiences and hear that the babies are healthy and doing amazing. I will keep you guys update on my journey and when the Doctor remove all the medication, that’s gonna be a great day hahaha.
We should make a closed Facebook group soon and keep us inform about milestones and important things ❤️❤️❤️
@Charlotte&Charlotte Our son was born in May too
We go tomorrow for his second appointment. He is advanced compared to most 4 month olds. Seems like we picked a fantastic donor! Congratulations on your little girl!
Hi!! Today I had my second ultrasound and everything is going very well, we could see the heartbeat!! I’m nauseous 24/7 between the pregnancy and all the IVF medication, is pretty normal to feel like crap hahaha, but I don’t care, I’m soooo happy!! So for I can see, there is 2 babies from this donor right? 1 boy for @TwoMommaFamily and 1 girl from @Charlotte&Charlotte . Have you guys heard from somebody else that got pregnant with this donor??
Ohhh @Luckynumber1 also have 1 girl from this donor!! So 3 beautiful babies from this donor!! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope mine is the fourth one!!
I know of 4 girls now and our boy.