periods ranging from 24-27days, How accurate would an IUI be?
Posts: 241
my periods range from 24-27 days. I'm getting nervous. How would the doc know exactly when to do the IUI? Is anyone in this situation?
Use a good Over the counter ovulation predictor. I had periods before I got pregnant of 21 days. When I got pregnant in Feb of 2012, my cycle was 28 days that month. Which was wierd since it had been 21 days for years. Start peeing on those OPK around day 8. Also watch (TMI) your cervical mucus. It will also help you figure out when you are getting closer. Pee on the sticks several times a day, as your surge happens when it wants to happen.
Are you using meds or not? I did not, I just had an IUI. When I saw the smily face on the OPK, I called the doc had the insemination that afternoon and then again the next morning.
Good luck, ask lots of questions all of woman will help out when we can answering questions.
Talk to your doctor about all these questions.
Amy, 42
IUI #2 BFP! Due March 2014
thanks for the advice. I'm starting in september and yes I will use clomid and trigger shot. did you get pregnant on your first IUI? do you have a boy or girl?
Also my cervical mucus is not my good indicator. also did you feel that you were pregnant before the HCG test?