
13038 Donor Availability

After hours of searching and many discussions we finally made the decision to use donor #13038. The day we went to buy was the day that all the vials were sold. I was told that more would be available on 9/26. On 9/27 I called and was told that the date has been moved back to 11/1. We are scheduled to inseminate on 10/15. Is there a possibility that the vials will be released early?


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    Hi Just -

    Since the approximate release date is an estimate, there is always the chance that it may change.

    Donor 13038 recently had his blood drawn, but it usually takes a few weeks for the lab to process the results. Unfortunately, I highly doubt that vials will be ready before 10/15 and would recommend selecting another donor.

    You can also call Client Services and ask to be put on the notification list so that you receive an email when additional vials of Donor 13038 are released.

    Best of luck,

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    Could you please tell me how many pregnancies have been reported for 13038? Do you know how many boys vs girls have been born?
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    Hi Just -

    Donor 13038 currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies. We don't give out information regarding gender, but CCB parents can share it on the bulletin boards if they wish.

    Also, he had his first vials released in March, so it's too soon for any births yet.


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    What is the current # of reported pregnancies for this donor? Thanks!!
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    Hi Pal -

    Donor 13038 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.


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    Hi All, While the link is the same for the sibling registry (https://www.sibling-registry.com), the CA Cryobank migrated to a new platform for bulletin boards and you have to migrate your User ID to the new platform on the next login for your children to show listed for donor 13038 and to see the new conversations/topics on the bulletin board.

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