First try tomorrow

It seems like quite a journey, yet it in some ways its only beginning. I am getting inseminated tomorrow. First time!!! I know everyone hopes that the first time it will happen I don't want to raise my hopes up too much but I can't help it. has anyone out there gotten preganant on their first try?


  • Yep...I did. Very first (all natural) IUI. It can happen!

    Good luck!
  • Misty, glad to see you're still on here helping people. so many ladies from when I started on here are gone, that's mostly good news though since many have babies now. :)
  • We're thinking of you... Sending positive thoughts your way (literally)... (Fingers crossed!)
  • Thanks guys. The IUI went well. My partner and I were emotional and nervous. I just kept praying that this time was all we needed. I am hopeful that it will work.
  • Hello there. I am actually waiting for my LH surge to go for my first IUI. SOO nervous!! My partner and I are so very excited. Any tips on when are better times of day or how many days it took to see your first "Happy Face" ?
  • we were not successful on our first try but we will not give up. we are getting ready for round 2. going to the dr. tomorrow so we can start treatment again.
  • Sorry to hear that jramos25 :( Did you go natural for your first IUI, or did you use meds?

    Keeping my fingers crossed for round 2!
  • I used meds (horomone treatment). thanks
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