Donor 13058

Has anyone used this donor?


  • We are. Though I can't say much about it as our first IUI was yesterday...I know that on his bio it said no pregnancies, but we are going to give it 3 tries (at least since that is what we bought - though maybe we won't need that many) I'll update if/when anything happens!
  • We are too! We're doing an embryo transfer beginning of November. I'd love to hear of any others using the same donor. I'll update with any news too!
  • KBVecc28 -
    I'm excited to know that somebody else is trying as well with this donor. I am staying positive and having faith that at the end of this 2 week wait I will have a big fat positive! I just had my first IUI done on the 30th of Sep. (Yey) I wish you and your family all the luck in the world. :)

    mrswoolf -
    Baby dust to you as well. :)
  • Amylynn or KBVecc28, any news?

    Thanks for the babydust AmyLynn, I need it!

    Anyone else please do chime in if you're using this donor. It's quite exciting to see updates:)
  • My cycle just got cancelled, so I won't be using this donor, darn! We're doing a double donor scenario, it's kinda complicated. I ovulated through the meds, so I can't do the transfer...bummer. Good luck to everyone else though, I think this donor is great!
  • we got a bfn last week - definitely bummed, but it would have been an amazing thing for it to have worked on our first try...i also think our timing was a bit off, and i think we did the iui too late - we are gearing up to try again in a couple of weeks though - we'll be sticking with him for at least the next two times...i'm feeling really good about this donor!

    good luck to both of you!
  • MrsWoolf - Unfortunately Af showed up the day before (10/13) I was supposed to take the pregnancy test so BFN for me. :(
    Although very upsetting, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next try. I did have a doctors appointment today with my RE and he has increased my Clomid dosage and is now going to give me Ovidrel trigger shot to time it all better. I will check back in and let you all know updates as soon as I know. If everything goes well I'll be having the IUI done around the 23 of this month. :) Good Luck to you.

    KBVecc28 - I'm sorry about your negitive, it is upsetting, but I'm sending LOTS of baby dust and prayers your way. Please keep me updated. It is pretty exciting to know there are a few others with the same donor.
  • I'm sorry to both of you, it's always tough to get that BFN.

    AmyLynn, Ovidrel is a good call, I hope it works for you this month!

    KBVecc28, good luck in a couple weeks, it would've been fantastic for it to work the first time, perhaps second time is the charm!
  • we missed out on october bc we missed our surge :( but we just did our november insem with this donor and we are crossing our fingers big time!!! :) any one else have updates from here?
  • Hello again everyone. Just giving a quick update. I wasnt able to have my IUI last month, because of a cyst, but I finally had it done this month and I'm just waiting yet again for these two weeks to go by so I can test. (Fingers Crossed) :) I dont know about you guys, but I'm trying not to be too excited,because I dont want to be disappointed, but yet I am only thinking positive thoughts! Lol. Well I am saying a special prayer for you KBVecc28 that you get your little bundle of joy from this insemination!! :) I'll update again soon - (After Thanksgiving is when I test)
  • Thanks Amylynn1551!

    We actually started testing my levels this month - I went in on CD3, but missed CD10 because I was sick - so we talked to the MW and decided we would restart next month (ugh!) and do an HSG...and then, lo and behold...we got a positive OPK last Friday night (seriously wasn't going to test and then did and WOAH!) we went in for our IUI on Saturday (2 hours before we were having 25 people to our house for a pre-thanksgiving dinner - talk about timing!) and now we are in the TWW...I am feeling really good about this month - I think it is because it was so unexpected to get a positive and because we have a plan if we don't get our BFP (which fingers crossed we will)

    Crossingmy fingers - and toes - that you Amylynn1551 got your Thanksgiving BFP! it would be SO exciting to see one from our donor!!!!

    Baby Dust! :)
  • Yes have the HSG done KBVecc, I had one earlier on and they say sometime it helps to clear out anything that might be blocking a potential pregnancy. Im so excited for you, and continuously saying prayers for all to go well. That 2 week wait is a KILLER..Lol Keep that good faith attitude. I went into mine saying this one was the one and I felt better about it too.
    Okay well here is my update: I had my IUI done on the 14th of Nov and of course the tww is the hardest part to me so i was going a lil I went to visit my sister for thanksgiving and decided on 12piui to test and it was negitive :( Now when I tell you I thought that it was all over I seriously was down in the dumps, because of financal issues I thought that I was just going to have this happen, BUT today I have a BFP!!!!! I am in such shock and awe and other feelings I cant even begin to understand or explain. Keep saying your prayers for me and I will update soon. I KNOW AND BELIEVE your time is coming too!! Keep me updated :) Donor 13058 looks like a WINNER. ;) Yey!
  • EEEEEEEE!!!! I just saw this update and i have to tell you i am SO excited! You would think I was the one with BFP! haha!

    we didn't get our BFP in November - and I was a day late, ugh...

    but, I went in for CD 3 and 10 blood work (and my CD 3 was better than last month - i had to have it done twice bc I was sick on CD10 last month) and i had the hsg done as well, all came back normal, but like you mentioned i am hoping it "cleared anything out"

    we just had our december iui on saturday and i am feeling GREAT! Getting a New Year's positive would be amazing and seeing yours gives me even more hope!

    HUGE congrats!!!!!
  • Thank you so much. I am so excited!! When I had my HCG levels done by my doctor, it was 34 and two days later had gone up to 155. It was so sureal to hear them say I deff am pregnant. Im now about 7 weeks and I'm having my first ultrasound done on friday (12/21). I still take pregnancy tests every now and then to make sure I still am. (Crazy I know) lol. Make sure you keep that positivity, because I think that makes a big difference :) Im looking forward to you telling me one day SOON that you are pregnant too. I know its going to happen :) If anything at least you know this donor is a good one so now you dont have to think about it being a bad batch. lol
    Please keep me updated and im sending lots of prayer and baby dust your way everyday. :-)
  • thanks so much amylynn! we get to test on Saturday - it'll be the first month i haven't tested early (having no tests in the house means no poas-ing) ;) and i think that has been a good thing!

    you getting your BFP has definitely given me serious renewed hope in "our guy"

    how did the ultrasound go?! i bet it was amazing to see your little bean!

    hopefully i'll be updating with a BFP before the end of 2012!!
  • Well, I am back wayyyy earlier than expected to let you know that we got our BFP this afternoon! I still can not believe serious shock! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and baby dust Amylynn!
  • OhMyGoodness!!! YEY! I just read this and I'm so excited for you and have tears in my eyes.
    I know how it is to try, try, and try and be disappointed, so to read this from you made me soooo happy for you and your family.
    CONGRATS 100 times! :)Well I go back to have another ultrasound today, because my first one on the 21st was too early for them to see much, besides the yolk sac. They go by the first day of your last period, but its off, because the IUI wasnt done till two weeks after that Sooo hopefully I will know exactly how far I am this afternoon. :) Im so excited that I have someone going through this with me too (Feel like I know you. lol) Dont know if you have a facebook but im in florida and under "Amy Amata Lynn" if that is eaiser. If you prefer to just keep it this way I understand. I'll update again after I see the doctor. CONGRATS again and I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby for you and yours. :)
  • KBVecc28

    How are you doing? Its been a little while since we last spoke, and Im sure feeling extra tired is probably playing its part it why :) im so wxcited for you and hope all is well.

    Update on me... well i went for my appointment on the 2nd for another ultrasound. They thought, because of the IUI that there calculations were off. What ended up being the case was my baby stopped growing the way it should and I misscarried. :( i was very upset and the short story is i had surgery on the 7th for a D&C and now i am no longer pregnant. Im doing better now and have done my crying and questions of y, but i trust God to be in control. Not sure when or if im going to try again, but i will keep u updated. I would love to hear how your enjoying or not enjoying your lil bean. lol Congrats again. xo
  • Hi Amylynn:

    I haven't been checking on this board in quite some time (clearly!)and I just wanted to reach out to you and say that I am so sorry for your loss. And I am so sorry that I am just seeing this so very many months later.

    It seems as you have a wonderful trust in God that has helped you through this.

    Did you decided to try again?

    We have just hit our 3rd trimester and I am constantly in shock (yes, even still, this far along) that I am pregnant/this is happening/we will have a baby soon.

    I wish you all the best!! xo
  • @Amylynn1551. I'm so sorry about your loss!

    @KBVecc. I am also using donor 13058 and am in the TWW with no signs of AF coming. Has your little one arrived yet? We loved the donor profile and our counts were very good, so I'm hoping for good news soon. Just wanted to reach out.
  • Any new success stories with Donor 13058. I just had my first IUI today.
  • Does anyone have vials of this donor stored? We want to have a sibling for our son, but this donor is all out.

  • Hi, I am looking for siblings to my 2yrs old