Positive LH Surge

Hello Everyone,

Today I had a positive OPK. As recommended by my fertility specialist, I used the OvuSponse Ovulation test. I practiced for one cycle and found it very hard to decipher the color difference of both lines. I was never quite sure if my test was positive. Why does that have to be so difficult??

Anyway, to ease my mind, this last cycle (the real deal) I used OvuSponse along with Clear Blue Easy Digital OPK. With CBE you get a circle for a negative test and a smiley face for a positive. It's so simple and was only $30 for 6 tests (only used 3).

This morning my OvuSponse looked like a positive and Clear Blue Easy confirmed it with a smiley face. Wow, I was so excited and called my partner immediately, and began crying of course. Tomorrow we inseminate and the 2WW begins. Wouldn't it be just lovely if it happened on the first try?

I'll update everyone during the 2WW period. I wish you all the best of luck!! Baby dust to you all!!


  • Thanks Jess42257! This so exciting, I can hardly contain myself. Today was our first insemination. Things went very well. We are now officially in the 2WW period!!!

    Thanks for the support and much luck to you and yours!!! I'll post back soon!
  • chaveece,

    Congratulations on your first IUI. I know how exciting this is.

    Not that everyone has the luck that we had, but I just wanted you to know that it is possible to get pregnant on your first try...I did and we are now almost 11 weeks pregnant.

    Just keep thinking positive thoughts and KUP!
  • MistyandCarla,

    I appreciate your support. This 2WW SUCKS, and I'm only on day 2 LOL!

    CONGRATS on your pregnancy. That's awesome! One can only be as lucky as you to get a BFP on their first attend. My fingers and toes are crossed (tightly)! :)

    I'm curious to know what some of your early PG symptoms were? Some people say they knew right away. What was your experience?

    Thanks again for the support!!
  • I was one of those who knew right away. I was extremely tired from day one. I could sleep day and night and still be tired. I would come home from work and crash, wake up for a couple of hours and then go back to bed and sleep all night.

    I also had cramping that felt like period cramps from about 2 days post IUI. They were there daily and I knew that I normally only cramped one day before my period. I also noticed the veins in my chest, arms and legs got darker at about 7 days post IUI along with changes in my breasts. Not to be too graphic, but my areola got larger and darker in color.

    One word of advice...don't get frustrated if you give in and test early and then get a BFN...we did that. We tested at 10 DPIUI and 11 DPIUI and both were negative, but I kept telling my partner that it was just too soon because I just knew that I was pregnant. We then tested on 12 DPIUI and ta-da...we got our BFP!

    And yes, the TWW feels more like a two month wait! All that I can say is to take is easy and get as much rest as you can and just try to enjoy each day of the two week wait. After all, it is what gets us to where we want to be...Pregnant. :)

    Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
  • chaveece,

    I got to looking into my previous posts to answer your question about sperm count and motility and I found some other symptoms that I had forgotten about...here they are...

    My boobs were sore, I had CM every day along with the cramping and I was starving! It's funny how we forgot those things so quickly.

    Anyways, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP!

    Baby dust to you!
  • MistyandCarla,

    Thanks you so much for taking the time to respond to my questions. It is so helpful knowing what others have gone through.

    Regarding testing, my partner (Misty :-)) leaves for a business trip the morning of 12DPIUI. She wont return until 21DPIUI. So I'm think I will test the morning before she leaves. 9 days and counting...

    This 2WW is so funny? I wake up every morning praying for sore breasts. I even find myself touching them throughout the day to check for soreness. Yesterday, I took my son to the optometrist and I remember touching my breast checking for tenderness when the receptionist turned her back. hahaha... I'm just looking for a sign, any sign!:)

    Anyway, I can go on and on with my silly antics. I appreciate the Babydust. I'll post back soon...

  • I know what you mean about wanting symptoms...I did the same thing. I kept reading about implantation bleeding and about how many women will spot on the day that the baby implants. So, every time that I went to the bathroom, I would hope to see some spotting. I soon found out that not all women get implantation bleeding because I got my BFP without ever spotting. It's funny how all of our bodies are different.

    I hate it that your partner is leaving, but trust me, I know how it feels. My partner (Carla) is leaving on a business trip too! Only she's going to be in Albuquerque, NM for three weeks! That's a long time! I could fly out there for the weekends, but I'm afraid to fly by myself. :(
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