
13463 - looking for donor siblings

I am a single mom who was fortunate and got a perfectly healthy, happy, and alert little girl, Zoe, on April 17th, 2014.

Two other familes have contacted me (boys born in March and May, also of this year) and I would love to further extend Zoe's donor family.

If anyone out there is as lucky as we are feel free to email me on ellamona@hotmail.com. It is my spam emailaccount so please be clear int eh subject line so I donät accidently toss it.

I thought about starting a closed Facebook group where we can all connect, talk, and share information with one another at the same time. Some information could be very beneficial to share, such as for example medical info, should anything ever arise w our lttle ones.

Good luck to all of you out there! May you be as blessed as I am :)
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