
insight on testing

OK. So I went to the reproductive doc today for the first time. I've got a battery of tests to do, and I was just wondering about other people's experiences.

The complete physical is a no-brainer, it's a week from today and I'm not worried (although I thought that was going to happen today, and I'm a little bummed that I have to wait another week to feel like I'm getting started on this process).

3 days into my next cycle, I have to get a bunch of bloodwork done. Again, not too worried.

But then 5-10 days in, I have to get an HSG test. Something about injecting dye into my uterus to see if my tubes are open. And then I also have to get a sono where they inject saline into my uterus to make it nice and round, and then they ultrasound me.

I'm guessing those are pretty standard - so I'm just wondering about other people's experiences. Do they hurt? Is it normal to be terrified that they're going to find something is wrong, when I have no reason to believe that anything's wrong?

Thanks Ladies!


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    Hello abbyjenna

    Yes these tests are standard.I had an HSG and I just felt a little cramping after which is normal but you know right then how your tubes are. And the sono was fine no discomfort.I worried myself all night and then when I had the tests they were normal.
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    Hi abbyjenna

    I had the HSG and also felt just a little cramping. It was really no big deal. I didn't have the sono but wish that I had. I was pregnant by a donor from California Cryo but just lost the baby this week. I was in my 17th week and just had an amnio 3 days prior to my water breaking which lead to loosing the baby. I am now left to investigate a series of explanations of why. One of them will be the sono to make sure my uterus is okay.

    These are standard tests but for whatever reason my doctor didn't do the sono. I feel it is better to know of any issue early because it is a manageable situation to know of ahead of time.
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    Oh no Melanie - that's terrible! I'm so sorry for your loss. Hopefully they will be able to figure out the problem so that your next pregnancy will be successful!

    Thanks for the info on the HSG.
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