
Reported Pregnancy

Is there any way to find out how many reported pregnancies there are for the following donors:

I'm sorry it is such a long list but the answer to the question is a key factor to allow me to narrow my list. I am doing this alone so money is an issue so I am just looking at ways to maybe maximize my chances. Also if it does not work on the first IUI is it better to try again with a different donor or stay with the same donor. Thank you so much for your help.


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    Hi -

    Please contact our Client Services Department at 866-927-9622 for help with the reported pregnancies.

    The donor you pick does not change your odds of a successful pregnancy. All CCB donors are put through the same strict screening which includes a semen analysis of every donation. If they didn't have great sperm, they wouldn't make it into the program. There is no reason to change donors should you not get pregnant on the first try.

    Remember, on average it takes about four IUIs per successsful pregnancy (which is actually slightly better chances than natural conception). If you will not be able to purchase extra vials, I strongly recommend selecting a donor with ample vials (Client Services can help you with this as well) to make sure you don't have to change donors down the line.

    Donors with more reported pregnancies are simply a result of having been in the program longer. Many new donors do not have a reported pregnancy for up to a year after the first release since it takes time to sell vials and for people to get around to reporting.

    Good luck,

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    Thank you Scott. I have learned alot by reading other posts in the bulletin board. It is great to hear from other women and couples that are currently in the same process and it is wonderful how open a lot of them are. Also the support from you and the other staff memebers have been very helpful and comforting. Thank you for all you do.
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    Thank you Scott. I have learned alot by reading other posts in the bulletin board. It is great to hear from other women and couples that are currently in the same process and it is wonderful how open a lot of them are. Also the support from you and the other staff memebers have been very helpful and comforting. Thank you for all you do.
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    You're welcome. We are always glad to help.

    Good luck!

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