

Hi Scott-
This might sound like a strange request, but we are looking for a donor that looks like Sam Champion (Good Morning America). Is there a way to find donors that might resemble him since he is not on your look-a-like list? Thanks so much!!


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    Hi Beachbaby -

    Not off the top of my head. We did have one donor I think looked a lot like Tom Felton (who sort of looks like Sam), but he is sold out. I tried to come up with other look-a-likes for Sam Champion in hopes we had them on our look-a-likes list, but I didn't haveany luck.

    If you really need that specific look, you can do a Donor Matching Consultation. Our Matching Consultant knows our catalog and is much better at this process than I am:


    All you need to do is provide a picture of Sam Champion (or anyone you want to match)and our Consultant will create a list of donors for you who most resemble the photo. They will be ranked by how close the match is with specifics about individual features, etc.

    Best of luck,

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