
Hi ladies. I am starting my first cycle with Clomid tomorrow. What are your experiences with Clomid? Any side effects? What time of day did you take it? As we all know, fertility meds increase chances of multiples? My partner's sister was on Clomid and got pregnant with twins. What has been your experience? Anyone take Clomid and now pregnant with multiples? Good luck to everyone!


  • I just finished my first round with clomid and boy did I have side effects! I almost always have ovulation pain but with clomid I had more intense pain a lot earlier. It lasted a few days after my trigger shot (?didn't work?), then I started having more central pain/cramping, then it went back to being more in the ovary regions. This was on/off all the way up to having my period (3days late). Fooled me into thinking I was having implantation cramping! I was warned not to confuse side effects for symptoms of pregnancy but I think that's something you just have to experience for yourself. Next time I'll know better. I hope. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the warning! Sorry that you had so much pain. Good Luck next time!
  • This is my second attempt with clomid and i haven't had any physical symptoms really. The only thing I've noticed is I'm a little more emotional than usual. My temper has flared a couple times...;) srry DW lol

    The first round felt close but got a BFN

    This cycle our iui will be approx Feb 14 so we'll see...
  • I am on day 2 of the Clomid and so far, so good. I haven't noticed any symptoms, other than this morning when I got a little overly emotional about a commercial on TV. LOL :) I figure if that is the worst symptom I get, I am pretty lucky.

    AlleyDuck, Our IUI will be approx February 14th as well! Hopefully we will both get a BFP this round! Good luck to you.
  • I took 25mg Clomid for 5 days. 5 days affer my last dose I found myself sobbing alone in my bathroom at night, just thinking about how I was so third of peeing on opk and nothing happening. Realizing now that maybe the Clomid made me super emotional.

    I was about to give up when the following night (Friday) i did an opk and got a positive :) since then I've been cramping petty severely on both sides, along with gas and bloating. not normal for me for ovulation.


    just had my first IUI this morning! Cramping a little here and there but not too bad.

    Good luck!
  • My wife and I are going to try our first IUI next month, and she wants me to talk to my doc about trying Clomid. I work at an ObGyn, so things are a lot cheaper for me, thank God. I hope it doesn't make me super emotional. I went off of my anti-depressants to get ready for being pregnant, and that was not pretty!!!
  • I recently found out that I am pregnant after first round of clomid + IUI! I could not be more thrilled! Best of luck to you all! It can happen the first time! :)
  • I took 50 mg Clomid on the 4th IUI after 3 failed unmedicated IUIs & got BFP with 1 baby. Unfortunatly I miscarried at 11 weeks. My only side effects on Clomid were more cramping than usual & some mild headaches. It was worth it to me & will try Clomid again when able to. Good luck to you.
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