

So, I am very interested in trying artificial insemination.
Could someone tell me a few things.
How many vials should I buy to start with?
Whats the difference in IUI and ICI?
When it shows the price 640 and 740 is that one vial?
What are the likelihood that I will get pregnant first try.

Thanks in advance


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    Goodmorning BsbFreak1984!

    This is a very exciting time!

    The number of vials to purchase varies from person to person depending on their needs. Some people purchase many upfront, and ship as needed. I purchased 2 (Per my Dr.'s request) and had them shipped. I only used 1 vial this cycle, so I still have 1 vial at my Dr. office. I am 1 week into my TWW, so if i get a BFN, I will purchase another vial and have it shipped to my office. Some people plan ahead for future siblings, and so they want to have extra vials and just have them stored. So the answer to this lies within you, with your financial ability, and future wants. It also depends on what your dr. would like.

    The price shown is for 1 vial. Then there is shipping after that and storage if you store it at CCB.

    Is it possible to get pregnant first try, yes. My Dr. was very clear to explain that it is possible, though most woman get pregnant after the 3rd or 4th IUI. The first thing you need to do is go to an RE to speak to them and start some testing. You want to make sure you are able to get pregnant, No tubes blocked, or any other issues that you may not be aware of.

    Regarding IUI vs ICI - do you mean the vials or the procedure?

    I hope this at least helped a little bit. I suggest going to the Dr. with your list of questions, and your health records (OB) and take it from there.

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    The number of vials you buy is up to you. If you know you have fertility issues, or you are over 35, be prepared to try several times. If you're going straight to ivf you probably won't need as many. If you know you want more than one child and would like them to be full siblings then you should get more to save for baby number 2 and consider the fact that you will be older and it might take longer the second time. If you're sure you want your donor and don't want to pick another then you should get 3-4 since that's how many tries the average pregnancy takes. Donors sometimes sell out really quickly.

    ICI vials are unwashed and can be used for at home intracervical inseminations. If you're having a doctor doing an intrauterine insemination, they will have to wash it first. IUI vials are already washed and can only be used for an IUI or ivf.

    People do get pregnant the first try, but most people don't. If you are young and healthy with a regular cycle and a doctor who knows what they're doing and monitors you carefully and gets the timing just right it could happen. Timing is the most important thing of all factors. And testing ahead of time to make sure you don't have any blocked tubes or fibroids or other issues is helpful too. Good luck!
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