
Donor 13729

Hello CCB staff. It would be amazing if you could bring back donor 13729. I believe his vials were available for the first time at the beginning of 2014 for a very short time only.


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    Hi SCT -

    Donor 13729 was in our donor program for about a year. His vials were released in December 2013.

    Vials routinely sell out which is why we created the Family Today & Family Tomorrow programs to help clients plan for the future.

    Unfortunately, at this point there aren't many options to purchase more vials. If you haven't done so already, you may contact Client Services and ask to be added to the notification list so that we can email you in case we receive any buyback vials.

    If you have a child by this donor, you can also try reactivating the donor (which can be an expensive and lengthy process). Here's more info on Reactivation: https://cryobank.com/Services/Post-Conception-Services/Donor-Reactivation/


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