
Telling people at work

Hi there - I'm going to be a single mom. Trying to get there. And I'm just curious how you told/are telling people at work that you are pregnant.

I just don't know how to tell them I'm pregnant and single. Some know I'm single, most don't (it's a new job). I just don't know the words to use. It's not coming to me...

Thanks for any advice.


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    I think it depends on what kind of person you are. I am very open and honest about the whole thing (I am a single mom to a 4 month old). The one thing I did realize when it was time to tell people at work was that I wanted them to know that it was a choice I made, I used a donor, this baby is very much wanted and I am very excited about it, and I didn't just get knocked up by some guy in a bar. I think that when they realized my excitement they were excited for me too...especially the guys. They thought it was a cool thing (rather than getting pregnant by accident by some unwilling guy). I am lucky though that I live in Southern California and a very liberal community.
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    Thank you very much, Kndertchr! That's a great point about making sure people feel my excitement about it. I think folks at work are somewhat conservative, but I do think being excited will go a long way with them too. I just want to get past the initial curiosity as quickly as possible to enjoy pregnancy :)
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    I'm not pregnant yet, but I've found that the more peripheral people I tell about my plans, the better I feel about the likelihood of a good response at work.

    I've told some friends about my plans (including close colleagues), and of course I expect their support. But I've also told my hairdresser, chiropractor, dentist, and several other people that I feel should know of my plans for practical purposes. Some of them were people that I don't know on a personal basis, and I didn't know how they would take the news. I've been so relieved to find that almost everyone has been super positive.

    So maybe start by telling people that don't impact your day to day life as much, and see how those conversations progress. Perhaps that will make you feel better prepared for telling your colleagues.

    Just a thought. :-) I'm a bit of a worrier, so I overthink things and like to feel prepared. If you feel better just jumping in, that's great too.

    Good luck with it!
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    I'm such an overthinker too and like to be prepared! (I'm not pregnant either, so that pretty much confirms it.) Thank you, eeh876, I will try that. I did tell my hairdresser and it's amazing how people who aren't super close are very supportive. And then some who are, have a bit more trouble. Maybe they feel more comfortable sharing their feelings... At any rate, so far it's been mostly positive and I'll see if that trend can keep going! :)
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    I was very secretive when I got pregnant. When I lost my baby at 37 weeks due to a cord accident, I actually had an ex of mine come to the memorial service so people would think he was the father. Now I have a chance at a free IVF try and am a finalist in a contest so my story has gone viral. Everyone knows now and everyone has been so supportive.I wish I had known that from the begining because it was stressful fielding questions about the baby's "dad"
    Im going to attach the link to vote, if you have a moment, please vote for me. I had such a hard time conceiving my son and this free treatment would be a blessing because my insurance doesnt cover any of this http://haveababy.com/news-menu/269. Thanks Rebecca
    BTW, Im the only single mom in the contest so any help you fellow single moms by choice could provide would be greatly appreciated.
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