
Total Placent Previa

Well Fri night we had some bleeding and ended up in the hospital untill Tuesday when the Dr. decided it was ok for me to go home as long as strict bedrest with only bathroom privleges was followed. On Fri they did an ultra sound and Chloe weighed 3lbs 1oz and in the 51% for size(at 29.4 weeks), so now were 30.2 weeks along and she should be gaining more weight everyday. They said a second bleed is almost guarenteed and if so I would be in the hospital untill shes born, so as much fun as it was to be there for 4 days, i think i will stick to the bed rest and hope it doesnt happen soon!!! Pregnancy has been almost as stressful as trying to get pregnant!! LOL Im just grateful she is big enough now that although there will be some NICU time she will be ok!!


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    Chloe... you gotta help mommy out, ok? It's too soon for you to be here. Be patient... you get to see mommy in a few more months, okay? Please??
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    deblute...ualtiggers talks really help...Reece listened to her and hung in there until 36 weeks! :)

    Sorry to hear about the TPP...I had PPP (partial placenta previa), but it resolved itself. Stay off your feet as much as possible...listen to the doctors and only take bathroom breaks.

    As far as the stress goes...it never ends...first you have the stress of getting a BFP, then secondly the stress of carrying to term and getting a healthy baby, then you get to worry about a million new things once the baby arrives. Hang in there...Chloe is almost ready for her arrival!

    Reece was born at 36 weeks and weighed 5lbs. and 15 oz. She's doing great now.

    Good luck and KUP!
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    MaC: I do what I can :).

    D: You're going to be okay...

    Chloe: Hi, hon... me again... give mommy and yourself a little longer, okay? I know you want out... it's just too, too soon, okay?
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    I sure hope it works!! We are back in the hospital I had some heavy bleeding last night. It has since stopped but they will be keeping me here untill Chloe gets here which for her sake is later rather than sooner. Dr said she hasnt seen anyone make it to 36 weeks in my condition! However were on week 31 she is 4+ lbs and I had the steroid shots over a week ago so we are in pretty good shape givin the circumstances!!!
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    Chloe: Okay sweetie... you can do it... give yourself a little more time. You need more time so you can breathe when you get here. Mommy's going to be resting a bit with you so you need to relax also, okay?

    D: Got you guys in my prayers... and there's a first time for EVERYTHING... hoping you'll be it!!
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    Chloe: Okay sweetie... hope you're still hanging in there... FIVE more weeks to go. Stay where you are for a bit longer, ok?

    D: How're you holding up, girlfriend?
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    Well Chloe decided she couldnt wait any more! After a 3rd bleed Wed night and a larger 4th bleed early Thursday morning out Dr. said the placenta had bled enough that she was going to be better off out then in! So at 32.2 weeks Chloe came to us at 10:05 am weighing 4lbs 4oz and 18in long! She is a tall little girl!! I got to kiss her little cheek before they took her to the NICU were she will be for a while, although they were able already today to take her off the ventalator (sorry about my spelling!) and tomorrow the will take the IV out of the artery in her arm and we will get to hold her for the first time!!! We are so excited although not looking forward to leaving her here at the hosptial!! Thanks for your prayers and concern!!
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    Prayers haven't stopped yet, hon!! When she gets to come HOME and gets a little chubbier.... maybe... :)
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