
Visited a psychic today...

I've never done this before, but a friend of mine really wanted to see this psychic and wanted me to go along, so I did. Since I was there, I figured I would get a reading done. Now, I've always maintained a healthy dose of skepticism when it came to things like this, but I was rather amazed at how spot-on and specific she was about certain things without my telling her anything other than my first name! Like, she knew I was a teacher...she knew I had a dark-complected ex-husband...and she knew that I'd been trying to have a baby for a long time! She told me that she saw that my desire was so much more than just a simple "want", but it was more like a drive because I KNEW it was meant to happen. And she told me that she saw months and months of crossed-off days, frustration, and sadness...lots of delays...lots of doctors, and LOTS of money. And she told me it looked like I was at my wit's end, but that my waiting would soon be over...either I would get what I wanted, or I would be forced to quit for a while. Either way, she saw the number 7 involved...like I'd have to take a break for 7 months or something...but then I thought about it later, and the number 7 IS involved...I've been TTC for 7 YEARS, and my last IUI was on April 7th! She looked at my palm and said, undoubtedly and very assuredly, that I WOULD get pregnant, and that I was going to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy...and his hair would be so light that it would almost look like he didn't have any hair. Then she said that he would look very different from my daughter, which makes sense because she is very dark...dark brown hair, brown-almost black-eyes, mocha skin.

She said that I've been making a lot of changes in my life and I tend to make the same mistakes over again, but that I'm working towards fixing that and I'm frustrated that things aren't changing fast enough, but that 2010 was going to be a prosperous year for me...she also said that she saw me very happy in 2011. (Incidentally, if this IUI cycle worked, my EDD would be New Year's Eve...just food for thought there!)

She also assured me that I'd have a major issue that would cause frustration with my ex (could it be the $1000 he owes me maybe?!), but that it would be the last major issue from him, and he would slowly fade more and more out of my life...he'd always be there, but just not as present.

So...here's hoping she's on to something!! How weird would it be if I DID get pregnant with this IUI, I had the baby in early 2011, and it was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy? Wouldn't that be freaky?!


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    Oh, and she also said that she knew I was worried my ex would take my daughter away, but that it would never happen and she'd be with me always.

    AND she was spot-on with my friend too...she knew she was unhappy in her job and looking for something else, and she said she'd be taking the steps towards her goal this upcoming year but she wouldn't quit her current job until she had the next one lined up. She also said she saw marriage and 2 kids in my friend's future, but it was going to be a long time and that the 2 kids would come to her in an unusual way...like by adoption or that they would be twins or something. And she said that my friend was going to have some major financial difficulties very soon, if not already, and it wouldn't be her fault...and the weird thing about that is that just on Friday, my friend's bank account was pirated and someone made $800 worth of fraudulent purchases, which in turn made her mortgage payment bounce and now her account is frozen and she can't access any of her money!!! How strange!
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    Wow! Neato. How much did she charge for this?
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    It was $25, and it took well over a half-hour.
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