
ICI timing

Hello, I am trying my first at home ICI this month. My period started today. I have been charting for about three months now and my cycles have been 26 days long up until this last one was 24. This confused me now because it was two days early. Can anyone help me in deciding which day this month would be the best to try if my period started today? I will be using OPK this month too.


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    In my opinion, you will just have to wait and see what the OPK's say...I don't know how you would know without having the positive OPK. My one suggestion to you though is to be sure to test several times a day...you don't want to miss your surge. Also, if you only test once a day, you may catch your surge on the back end of it instead of at the beginning of it.

    Here's how it worked for me...

    No surge at 5am...positive at noon though. Done IUI the next morning at 9am and got a BFP on my first try.

    Good luck!
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