Sperm Banks & Donor Selection

Hi. I am new to this bulletin board but not to the wonderful world of IUI & fertility treatments. I've found reading the posts very inspirational and informative. I'm a 43 year old single woman and have tried 3 cycles so far with the same donor from another sperm bank. First 2 were natural and then went straight to injectables for the 3rd try. All my numbers have been good so far according to my MD. After 3 negatives, I am planning, with some mixed feeling, to switch to a new donor and am considering California Cryo but am alarmed at the price (quite a bit more). My question: is it worth it? Is the quality better? The selection seems somewhat better but, as I am sure you guys can relate, it sure ain't easy picking a donor.

Any input is greatly appreciated!


  • Hi LisaHorn...welcome to the boards. Does your current facility tell you the counts? I would say as long as the numbers are good, then it should be okay. I did not go with CCB as I originally intended to because once I found my RE they wanted me to use the facility that's right next door to them. I guess they work hand in hand. I'm glad I did because I got a BFP on my first try.

    Good luck.
  • Hi Lisa and welcome. I used a local sperm bank that my doctor recommended. It was smaller than cryo and the selcetion of donors was smaller. Plus they did not offer all of the detail cryo offers, like baby photos, essays, etc. However, I did get a very detailed medical report, which was most important to me.

    He didn't care which bank I used, but his office did all the ordering for me with this particular bank- would have had to coordinate on my own using another. With all of the stress that goes with IUI- I didn't want to add that with it.

    CB was about $200 more than the bank I used and I am pregnant. I didn't know his sperm count before hand but the nurse said 'Wow" when she read the paperwork.
    Baby Blessings
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