How new is donor 13999

It says new, but he already has low vial availability, also are there any reported pregnancies?


  • Hi Baby -

    Donor 13999 was released less than 2 weeks ago with a limited amount of vials. He does not have any reported pregnancies yet, as it usually takes several months for clients to use vials and report back to us.


  • Thank you. I did an IUI last month with another donor and it did not work. :( I have heard conflicting information about how long frozen sperm can live once inseminated. Can you confirm? Also, is there a "proper" method for thawing. My doctor had me hold the vial near my body to thaw it out. She said that thawing in water could contaminate it. Any direction on that???

    Thank you again!
  • Hi Baby -

    I'm sorry to hear that your IUI was unsuccessful. Please keep in mind that on average, it usually takes about 3-4 IUIs to achieve pregnancy.

    Frozen sperm are most potent within the first 12-24 hours of insemination, but may survive up to 72 hours after insemination.

    We include Tank and Specimen Handling Instructions with each specimen shipment which explains the process for handling and thawing the frozen specimen. We recommend a water bath (per thaw instructions) or a 37°C dry heat block. We are happy to reach out to your clinician's office if they are interested in discussing optimal thaw techniques with our technical experts.

    Here is my email if you have additional questions:


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