I can't believe it...

...first off...I'm REALLY new to this whole process, but my partner and I are jumping in feet first and going in with guns blazing.

We came to the decision to start a family almost 1 month ago and now I have found out that I will be losing my job. At first I was really upset but now I have realized its so I can start my next job...motherhood!

We are pushing to get 3 tries in before my insurance runs out in October...I haven't been really regular over the last year or so. I'm thinking now that it was my body trying to get my attention b/c I counted out the days from my last AF to this AF and BAM! I got it exactly right on the day!...surely it can't be this easy??

We go for our first doctor consultation on 8/12 and if I've done my #s right we should be ovulating around 15th-17th (naturally a weekend - great...now we have to beg doc to interrupt his golf game or boating trip!)

But i have a really good feeling about all of this - so I think we'll be good. We are kinda nervous about the donor we picked b/c he hasn't had any reported pregnancies but when I called for more details they revealed that he was fairly new to the program so it wasn't uncommon for pregancies to go unlisted for awhile (...like maybe 9months?...he he)

anyway - wanted to introduce ourselves - I'm Laura (the soon to be fat and hormonal one) and Cindy is my partner (of almost 11 years)



  • Hello and welcome to the boards!

    You have the right attitude...optimism goes a long way on this journey.

    Just so you know, our donor was new too and didn't have any pregnancies, but we got pregnant on our first IUI and it was unmedicated. It's very possible to get pregnant right of the bat, although many people struggle for months TTC. You just really never know...so, just prepare yourself for this very stressful time in your life. You'll see what I mean during your first TWW. (Hopefully it will be your only TWW)

    Have you been taking your BBT and testing your LH surge? My doctor wouldn't do the IUI until we had a practice month to insure that I ovulated. Hopefully yours will be different.

    Sorry to hear about you losing your job...but when one door closes, another opens.

    Good luck and KUP!
  • We just completed our first purchase of what we hope to be the one and only vial needed for our IUI.

    I did one of the First Response fertility tests this morning and it came back with great results...I will start the LH surge testing once AF packs and goes on what we hope is a 9-month long cruise!

    I can see it now...Laura, what did Cindy buy you for your 32nd bday?

    - SPERM!

    HA HA HA HA - sprinkles and boatloads of babydust to all of you!
  • That's too funny! It sounds as if you're ready to roll! I hope AF takes that vacation for you! That's the one thing that I'm dreading after Reece is born...I haven't missed her not one single bit!!!!!

    Good luck!
  • Happy birthday to me!...let's hope it's the last birthday I spend as a regular non-child adult!

    Bring on the babies!

    Baby dust to all of you!
  • Welcome! I hope it is a quick and easy ride for you and your dp!

  • 24 hrs until our first appointment!!!!!!!!

    (only the intial consultation...but it still counts, right?) ;)

    If I've done my numbers right - I should ovulate on 8/15 so hopefully we will be headed back to see the Dr in 2 days!

    I CAN'T WAIT!!! If I'm going this crazy watching the clock for a doctor appointment, ya'll are gonna have to lock me in a padded room for the dreaded 2WW!

    baby dust - baby dust - baby dust to you all!
  • wprsnpr99...how exciting! Good luck at your first appointment...KUP.
  • so we have our first road block...

    ...ignoramous OB/GYN doctor that doesn't keep the right supplies on hand to do IUI procedures...


    he feels we are "rushing" into things - not our fault you were on vacation for 2 weeks - I would've much rather seen you back then and been ready...but NOOOOO....this is somehow "our" fault - YEAH RIGHT!

    Cindy is on the phone right now with her sister (who's an LPN at another hospital) looking for some suggestions for different doctors...

    UGH - looks like we are missing the egg-train this month - we'll have to wait another month....
  • hA! Don't tell me it can't be done!...idiot doctors office...

    amazing - they didn't have catheters in the office and couldn't get one in time...???...again - WTF?

    me? the non-medically trained monkey - JUST ORDERED THEM ONLINE!

    for anyone else that is interested - website is:

  • What? That's crazy! That's like ordering a pizza and them telling you that they are out of dough!

    Our RE made us wait a month too, but for different reasons. He wanted us to do a trial run to make sure that I ovulated before waisting money on the IUI if I didn't ovulate on my own. We were disappointed too...we had it timed perfectly, just like you, that we would go in the following week for the IUI and that we would be due exactly on Carla's birthday! We were upset, but went with the RE's recommendations and it all worked out for us in the end...BFP on the first IUI.

    It's frustrating, I know...hang in there.
  • thanks -

    amazing part is that I still haven't ovulated yet - good news or bad news? take your pick!

    stress and worry isn't good so i've taken to the belief that what will be, will be and I've done everything I could - the rest is in God's hands and will be in God's time. getting in a hurry about it all isn't going to help!

    I found this quote today -

    "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." -- Charles M. Schulz

    kinda makes me smile - anyway - patience is something we all need during this TTC process - good luck to everyone - boatloads of Baby dust to you all!

  • Hang in there, dear....and, I like the quote! :)
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