
Update on Baby Reece

Hello girls...for all of you how are asking, here's an update on us.

We had to go in yesterday to see the doctor because my BP was up and I woke up with swollen ankles and hands. The doctor said I also had a small amount of protein in my urine, but she wasn't going to worry at this time. She just said that there's a very fine line between normal high BP and pre-eclampsia. So, they have decided to see us twice a week now for Non Stress Tests on Reece.

We also got an U/S done yesterday...Reece looks great. She still has plenty of amniotic fluid and is measuring perfect...right at the 50th percentile. She weighs 3 lbs. and 15 oz. She's looking a little squished in there. Thankfully she's head down now because at one point she was breech. Seeing her again just made us want her here so that we can hold her and love on her, but we also know that she's better off staying put for several more weeks.

Our doctor did tell us that we just need to be ready because pre-eclampsia can happen over night and we would deliver her immediately. She also reminded us that if we haven't had her by 38 weeks, she will induce because the last two weeks are hard on the baby when the mom has high BP. We are 31 weeks and 4 days today.

To all of you TTC...hang in there. I pray that you will be as blessed as were are. There's not a day that goes by that we take being pregnant for granted...we truly consider it a blessing and are very, very thankful.

There are new pictures of the U/S on our facebook page...check them out.

Good luck,
Misty, Carla and Reece


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    Sounds like you guys are just weeks away from a beautiful bundle of joy. Im glad that everything is looking good and you are taking good care of Reece and yourself for that matter.
    One of my friends suffered from pre-eclampsia when she was pregnant so i understand the worries and frustration. It really is a scary thing to have.
    Take good care of yourself
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    SO glad things are still good, gosh...you are like six weeks away! I will continue to pray that Little Reece stays inside her mommy for several more weeks and grows even stronger.
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    Hang in there girlfriend...it's going to be just fine. Just relax and take it easy. Are you still using your doppler at home?
    I have you and little Reece in my prayers. Remember...I've requested an Angel watch over you both.
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    Yes, we still use the doppler on the days that she doesn't move as much. The past couple of days, she's really been on the move. It could have been the Lemon Shake Up that I had from the fair though. :) Yummy!
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    Hey, girl... been busy as all heck at work... glad to hear you and Reece are still all good... come on... FIVE more weeks... FIVE more weeks!!
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    Sounds like you had a scary night, but I am glad that everything looks better now.

    Please take care of yourself. The hospital that I work at delivers more babies than almost any other hospital in the country (I think there may be 1 or 2 that deliver more). Working in the ICU, we see the result of these eclamptic mothers and the medical challanges they face. Don't take anything lightly & err on the side of safety if you think something is wrong - do NOT wait!! Get it checked out! I am not trying to scare you, but too often in the medical community we see patients that had early symptoms but "thought it would get better".

    I am sure that you & Reece will be fine, but give yourself the ok to rest more and take it easy until she gets here!
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    kimi...thank you for the encouragement...my SIL is a maternity nurse and trust me...she's always on me about calling her with the slightest change in symptoms. She's also our neighbor so she can check on me daily. :)
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    How are things going? Are you taking it easy and resting?
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    We're hanging in there...we had another non-stress test today and things still look good. We have another scheduled for next Tuesday and next Friday. I would feel better if I could get some sleep...nights are rough...tossing and turning, not able to get comfortable, along with heartburn and going to the bathroom every hour makes is hard to sleep. I did come home from the doctor today and get a two hour nap. Yeah! I'm still exhausted, but feel better than I did this morning.

    Thanks for asking about us.

    Misty and Carla
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    Reece Tigger Nicole :)? Mom? DP? You guys okay today? I asked Reece if she would PLEASE let mommy sleep a bit and whatever you ate that she didn't like you wouldn't eat it again so she doesn't give you heartburn...
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    Hey tigger...we're actually doing a little better with the heartburn. I had read that drinking water with fresh squeezed lemons in it would help...it actually does work...thank goodness. We have slept a bit better too...just getting up to pee about 6 times a night...so your little talk with Reece must have worked...thanks.
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    I hope you do not mind if I add you as a friend on Facebook :) As I mentioned on the Single Mothers discussion board, I had pregnancy-induced hypertension and had to be induced at 36 1/2 weeks. I also went in for Non Stress tests every week and had to have my urine tested for protein as well. It was a lot to go through on my first pregnancy and I was only 20 years old at the time, but it is well worth it in the end. Good luck and hang in there :)
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