
Has weight been an issue?

Just curious as I'm just starting this process; has weight been an issue for anyone in terms of their Dr. not wanting to do iui? My regular Dr. told me to go for it and I want to but in the past several years I have gained a huge amount of weight after having cancer and quitting smoking. Any experiences shared would be appreciated before I go in..Thanks.


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    this is kind of a general question. i mean i talk to some women on here who think they are huge and they weight 170 and they when they say they gained a ton of weight they mean 10-20 pounds so it is hard to answer (in my opinion)

    my dp was 250 lbs 5'5 when we decided to start trying. our re sent us to a high risk doctor who changed over her blood pressure meds to ones safe for the baby and advised her to try and lose a little before we tried. 2 months later she had lost 35 lbs and we started trying (our re did not say we had to wait that was my dps decision) she got pregnant on the second unmedicated iui and had a relatively healthy pregnancy. she did develop gestational diabetes very early on and she was monitored electronically morning and night for possible presclimpsia but nothing ever came of it and she delivered a healthy baby boy via c-section at 39 weeks. we were told that being over weight increased your risk for multiples (which we were excited about) but just a singleton for us. good luck.
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    Thanks. Just curious as I'm going for my first appt with an RE in less than two weeks and preparing myself in case there is some type of disappointment where I can't try. Thank you for taking the time to share.
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    Just wanted to update: I went for my first consult and the RE that I'm using (who was super nice) told me that though it can complicate things later on, she wasn't overly concerned about the weight (she said this after I brought it up). She gave me the all clear to start trying... :) :) :)
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    Gracas..Congrats on your exciting journey you are about to begin!

    I was overweight when I conceived my son and the only problem I ran into was gestional diabetes but then again my doctor told me all along that I had several disadvantages in developing diabetes...I'm hispanic, over 30 and over weight. You may be just fine. After delivering a healthy baby I actually weigh less then I did before I got pregnant. Im sure you will be just fine!
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    Yay Congrats Gracas! Lots of baby dust!
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    Oh yes in March of last year I weighed 238 pounds and periods were irregular and I barley ovulated on my own. And was in pain constantly due to my weight issues and I didn’t end up with m/c on my first try. But now that I have lost the weight am down to 204 am lot healthier and ovulate on my own my periods are normal and am no longer in pain. Put I still planning to lose 44 pounds before I try again after the weight loss.
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    JesKin, I'm hispanic, and over 30 as well so I have my fingers crossed. I gained 60 lbs in the last few years due to a little fight with cancer and subsequent need to quit smoking (duh).. Just hoping I can get pregnant, carry a healthy child, and live long enough to raise it. I'm all clear with the cancer so things look good... Happiest I've felt in a long time. Thanks all for the good wishes.
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    I too worry about this, but we are going to start trying in the next 6 months to a year. We are fortunate that God's plans include a longer wait as we are trying to sell our condo and move into a home before we begin trying, so I have some time to lose some weight before we begin the process! Every time I pick up something unhealthy, I think about our baby! This is the best "diet" plan ever!!!

    Keep us posted on your progress!
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    Whitaloo, good luck. Coincidentally, I was trying to sell my condo too before I began this venture but figured it was a losing battle and the eggs weren't going to stay fresh forever so...Definitely keep everyone posted. Today I bought my first two vats of sperm. Woo hoo!
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