Anyone considering using him?


  • Did you end up using him? Any luck if so?
  • I did not (yet). I'm using 14102 in about a week. 14392 is on my short list.
  • We are using 14392 at the end of next week! I'll keep you updated! :)
  • We are going to use 14392 for our first attempt next week. I'm staying optimistic!
    Please let me know how it went for you.
  • Hi Goofykid,
    Our cycle got cancelled yet again, due to a miscommunication between the dr, the lab and myself. It's nice to know someone else is using him! Please keep us updated as we will do the same!
  • I went with 14102 this month. So far my period is one day late. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet. I'm a little in disbelief it could have worked. I tried doing the IUI at home by myself. I wouldn't try that again Hahha. I'd do it at the doctors office next time. I had tried ICIs at home previously with 14221 which did not work. Good luck with 14392!!
  • What drew you to 14392? You can email me at wintersummer14392@gmail.com if you want to chat more
  • @ lightblueyes: What drew us to him was the fact that he had a fairly healthy family history. He had smaller things in his history that weren't very concerning and after looking at several cryobanks, his profile was the one that stuck with us.
  • Sorry to hear your cycle was cancelled, wanttobemommies. Sounds so frustrating! We have also been delayed a few times due to miscommunications and it sucks, I know.

    We got the green light today to proceed so we're ordering today for an IUI later this week. I'll report back here.

    lightblueyes, we were drawn to him because we felt a connection to his personality in his description and the baby photos, then we did the photo matching and he was one of the best matches for my husband.

    Sending you both lots of positive juju! This is such an odd process, eh?
  • @ Goofykid, it's ok! It'll work out when it's supposed to! We are hoping for an insemination on Easter weekend, we're just waiting to hear back from the RE tomorrow!

    It's a super odd process, but there's a comfort in being able to speak to other's who are going through the same thing. :)
    I also hope that in the future, if we all use this donor that we register the kids in the sibling registry and they get to meet one day.

    What are your thoughts on that?
  • Our insemination is scheduled for tomorrow am at 8! Very excited we are finally getting the opportunity to inseminate!

    Hope you're all doing well!

    Fingers crossed, positive thoughts and baby dust!
  • Updates?!

    Did anyone have luck with 14392?
  • We're currently in our TWW, so I can let you know if a couple of weeks!
  • Unfortunately I believe AF is rearing her ugly head... but again we shall try in 2 weeks!
  • I see that 14392 now has reported pregnancies?! Anyone here have good news!?

    Could use some positivity today.

    Fingers crossed and baby dust to you all!
  • Had my second IUI today, I'll keep you updated. Hoping to hear good news from you ladies as well!
  • Finally reporting back! We did our IUI on March 20th, and I was pretty pessimistic, to be honest. I was afraid that we'd missed the ovulation window, and when our NP checked the semen, the count was lower than expected.

    I took a pregnancy test at 9 DPO and it was negative, but I thought, maybe this is just too early, so I took another at 10 DPO and negative again. Then the weekend came and I was super busy at an event and figured I'd just get my period... but then Monday came and no period. I had major cramps and breast tenderness, so I was pretty sure it was coming on, but I took another pregnancy test to be sure and WOW, it was positive!! I was in disbelief! The line was faint so I ran to the drugstore to get a test with "yes" and "no" on it so that there'd be no confusion. "YES!" indeed!

    We're now 8 weeks 5 days pregnant. Had the first sonogram on April 25 and what a miracle to see the tiny heart beating. I can't believe it's real! So overjoyed.
  • Congratulations!!!!

    We are still waiting for that positive to come, AF is officially 3 days late, which NEVER happens, so FX that we get that positive soon! I asked my Dr to order the blood test, because I am a huge water drinker, I'm worried that I'll never pee positive.
  • Hi goofykid, I'm 16w pregnant with 14392 as our donor. How crazy to think that our baby has a half sibling out there!
  • Congratulations to you both! How exciting! Hope you're all well, we'll be trying here in a few weeks with our new donor. :)
  • Hi @goofykid, @wanttobemommies, and @beekeeper,

    I'm a SMC in my 2nd TWW from an IUI with 14392 and am just hoping this is my time. I came onto the CCB site today for the first time in a couple of weeks and was devastated to see that he went from 16 vials to NONE! I only purchased 2 upfront and now if this cycle doesn't work, I am going to have to choose another donor, which is so upsetting. I felt such a connection to this particular donor.

    I wanted to check in to see how you were all doing and feeling, with hopes that we will have potential half sibs, and to see if if anyone has additional vials of 14392 stored without plans to use?

    If so, please email me at mamasarbear@gmail.com.
    Thank you!
  • Hi, If anyone has had any success using this donor, please locate the sibling registry. A bulletin board post is available and communication channels have begun. Wishing everyone well!!!

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