
Choosing a Donor

I, like many of you, was completely overwhelmed when I began this process. When I started trying to decide on a donor, my first step was to narrow down the 5 qualities I felt were most important in my donor. When I did a search based on these qualities it significantly narrowed down my decision. Then I went through and weeded out the ones that had qualities I definitely did not want. When I was finished I had 5 good solid choices. I printed out all of their information and made a "baby book". The book had a title page for each of my 5 choices that summarized what I liked and didnt like about each. It was easy at that point to see the one that was perfect for me. (3804)

My partner and I are doing our first at home insemination (ICI) tomorrow (she is a trained medical professional, but not an OB/GYN). I have been using both the happy face clear blue easy monitor, and the super deluxe version. My cycle has been like clockwork for a year (until now of course!!!!!), but we are trying to be optimistic. I am a healthy 26 year old, so here's hoping!

Good luck and best wishes to all of you! Happy baby making!


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    Good luck to you! I was 25 when I got pregnant, but 24 when we first started trying. We tried our first CCB donor for 4 natural cycle IUIs and 1 IVF cycle, with no luck, and then chose a new CCB donor and got pregnant with IUI on the first try, again a natural cycle. I hope it works quickly for you!
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    Good luck kristeneb and baby dust to you. Congrats mrandmrswhite@gmail.com, hope that all goes good during your pregnancy and you have a healthy beautiful baby!!

    I too am new at this and yes these choices are difficult. I am 35 and after 4 1/2 years of trying to become pregnant we did last year, but only to have miscarried when I was 5 weeks. Now this year we have been going through a constant roller coaster of trying again only to learn my husband's sperm had an affect on us conceiving. Enough of my story.

    I want to know if anyone has used donors 03800 and 02504? They are 2 of our chosen donors so far. Their profiles state that they have recorded pregnancies, but after reviewing the forum I don't see anything noted regarding these donors.
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