donor 12215

I have a couple questions about donor 12215. When was his sperm released to the public on the CCB website? He seems to be a very desirable donor, yet it looks like no one has purchased his sperm! It says he has no reported pregnancies, but can you at least tell me if any of his sperm has actually been purchased? My partner and I think he is an excellent candidate, but we are beginning to wonder if we missed something (i.e. a negative attribute) because his sperm isn't selling fast like some of our other donor choices. Thank you!


  • Hi teach -

    12215 is a great donor. He is selling pretty well. His first release was just in April, so there hasn't really been enough time for reports to start coming in. It generally takes 6 months to a year from forst release for people to start reporting pregnancies.

    I can tell you with absolute confidence that there is no "skeleton" there to worry about.

    Good luck,

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