
New to whole process

Hi everyone,
My partner and I are new to this whole process. We would like to get started on learning about the procedures, and process, so hopefully within the next two years we can get started. I know thats a little far off, but I want to be well educated on everything that we are doing so we are fully prepared. If anyone could just tell me the basics, ins and outs, and anything else you feel we should know that would be great. We were thinking of trying at home our first time, what does everyone think of that? We are really excited about this whole thing!!

-Saniyyah and Reeda


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    Hi there,

    There's really a lot to discover: from charting fertility to adjusting to your newborn. We've found that "The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians" by Rachel Pepper was an excellent resource along with searching the web for other unanswered questions. You can find this book at pretty reasonable prices on Amazon and eBay.

    Good luck to you and congrats on your decision to start a family!
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    Coincidently, I am reading the book by Rachel Pepper at this very moment! It is very insightful and full of answers that are hard to find elsewhere. I, too, am trying to learn everything I possibly can for a home insemination. Good Luck to you and your partner!
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    I personally prefer going to clinic because I will be able to know in advance whether or not I have some fertility issues. I also had access to fertility drugs if I needed it and I wanted it "done right". I believe that its more convenient to pay someone with lots of experience than to figure out the process on your own.
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