Single lesbian
K Walton
Posts: 28
Hey everyone,
I'am a single lesbian considering ICI for the first time . I am 40 yrs. old . I would love to start a family ! Has anyone in my age group tried ICI with any success ? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Kimbery Walton
I'am a single lesbian considering ICI for the first time . I am 40 yrs. old . I would love to start a family ! Has anyone in my age group tried ICI with any success ? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Kimbery Walton
I am 37 yrs old and have been trying since August 2008. All of my attempts were IUI, the 1st 6 were with my ob/gyn and the last 2 have been with a RE (reproductive endicronologist). All were with meds (clomid for 1-7 and shots on #8). If I had known how tough it would have been back in August I would have gone full force with injectibles and IUI from day one. It would have saved me a lot of heartache, disappointment and money. We are at such a disadvantage as women trying to conceive on our own, the ICI deposits the sperm further away from where it needs to be and the sperm has so much farther to swim, the IUI at least gets the sperm to where the follicles will be released. Not so much work for the sperm. It is really your preference though on what you are comfortable with, check with your insurance some are covering the procedures. BTW we are 5 weeks pregnant now and will be 38 when the baby arrives (if all goes well). Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
Congratulations ! Thank you for all the info. I tried getting pregnant a few yrs ago doing IUI 's with my obgyn . I was in a relationship but it was really stressful and my partner and I fall apart . So now I'm ready to try again , not sure which procedure i'll use, leaning towards IUI again... Thanks again , good luck !!
Although I'm not specifically in your situation, I just want you to know that my partner and I were moved by your post here. I am 34 yo but my partner is 51 yo. I think its terrific you're going after your wishes for a family! Wanted to wish you much luck and success and tell you to just keep the stress levels low and stay positive always, the universe will take care of the rest.
I'm thinking I'll try inseminating in June or July . So I have plenty of time to do a little more research and to speak with my Dr. about my options . Good luck Ky, best wishes !!
I've always thought that I stopped trying too soon . I tried 4 iui's when I was 37. Last one with meds . It was so emotional and draining. I'm at a much better place now in my life and so excited about trying again !! Thanks for all the encouragement and advice . Good luck , best wishes !! p.s. please keep me posted on your journey..