

We've decided to go with 11568. Our first IUI is tomorrow. Anybody have any stories to share about using this donor?

Thank you


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    Thinking of you and hoping it goes well. He is on my 'short list' too. By any chance do you have any info to share on him? Baby photo? Long profile? Etc? Im new to this and trying to gather as much info as I can. I appreciate the help in advance.

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    Hi, I'm seriously thinking of using 11568 too. It was between him and two others. I'm a little concerned about his portruding ears as a child...anyone have any feedback about that?
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    Hi Lexus,

    I wasn't going to say anything about this but since you asked, here goes. You might think I'm crazy after this story I'm about to tell you.

    We were concerned about this too. When I inquired about this I was told "he grew into them." When I inquired a little further, a wonderful staff member actually contacted him (he is no longer in the program)... Turns out he had his ears surgically pinned at age 7. He called them back right away and said he was so sorry he didn't put it on the form or even think of it as a surgery.

    I was crushed...To say the least. He was my number one choice. I was happy with the story that he "grew into his ears." I was angry and wanted my money back (I didn't find out about this until after I purchased 12 vials). After looking at my other choices, talking it over with people, fretting about it...We decided to go with him anyway (that is the part you probably think I'm crazy for). The last thing I want is for my child to be teased. The last thing I want is to bring my child in for elective surgery and have something go wrong. You get the picture.

    We came to the decision after a lot of thinking. I got a really good feeling about him. I like his audio. I like his essay. I like the fact that he called right away and plans to return to CCB and change his paperwork (he was very apologetic). I decided that I'd rather use someone that I really got a good vibe about than someone else who had a good baby photo but I didn't get a good vibe about. Also, one our other choices had a lot of family medical history. In the end, we realized, we'd rather have a healthy baby.

    The truth is, it has made me doubt the honesty in all of these donors. They could be lying about anything, everything. I like to believe that he is being honest, but who knows.

    If you'd like to discuss it further I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
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    Wow, Thank you for this info regarding 11568. My husband really liked him and he was in our top 3 but his ears were a huge concern for me as well. He was probably going to be our backup choice but now maybe not......It really does make you doubt what they put down on paper! Thanks again for this insight!
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    tmb, Wow - that's quite a story!

    11568 was one of my top choices, too. That's really great that the staff member was proactive enough to contact him. I recall when I had a health question about a different donor, the staff person I talked to was nice but sort of left it at the fact that the donor hadn't provided other details and there was no way of knowing. So it's great that they followed up for you.

    It's also great (and I think really speaks to the integrity of the donor) that 11568 called right back and agreed to correct things. I also got a good vibe from his audio and can see why you would stick with him.

    In fact, showing that it all comes down to personal preference, I personally like the cuteness of a little bit of sticking out ears, and this fact would actually have increased my interest in him as a donor. So go figure! Anyway, thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you found peace and are happy with your choice in the end -- I think he's a good one.
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    Hey Greta!

    Thank you so much for your comment. It really helps because I think about it alot. I need to let it go. I am happy with him and want a BFP. I absolutely agree that his response to the situation shows his integrity. The funny thing is, I feel a strong connection with this donor. Moreso than any other...

    As for the ears, my SIL said the same thing regarding ears that stick out and it's cuteness. I never thought of it that way. CCB also sent me pictures of him a little bit older and he is a very cute older child too. One thing I forgot to mention is that when they called him, he said he doesn't think he'd have it done if would have been up to him (obviously it was his parents decision).

    Again, thank you so much.

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    wow...I'm about to use this donor....now I'm worried! Did they really send you other pix?
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    Yes. If you'd like to see them, send me your e-mail and I'll send them to you.

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    Thanks so much. I'm so glad you mentioned it. I never imagined getting other pix would be possible. Actually, CCB sent them to me. I was on the phone with them when I read your post. I have to say they really go above and beyond. I am feeling much better with the situation and will probably still use him as a donor.
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    Hi tmb, congratulations on your lil one. I am considering this donor. Would you be willing to share his information with me. Please. My email is jamoca71@yahoo.com. I am going to choose and try with him with out 1st looking at his long profile..Is this crazzy? I really liked the positive things you had to say about him. I also liked his genuiness and honesty in his essay. I am hoping for my BFP and this is like my 6th IUI. I am changing donors because I didnt get preggers with the other two donors. 11568 will be my third donor and I want it to work. How was his sperm count and mobility? I guess pretty good, you got your BFP!!! Thanks if you can help!!!
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    I sent you a message.
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    Hi tmb,
    I, too, was wondering about 11568's sperm info. I honestly don't really understand about count and mobility, but I am always interested in any info I can get. My email is jajones10@aol.com. If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate any info you have. One more week to go before I test..Ugh! The waiting is awful. How are you feeling?
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    I e-mailed you.
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    hEY, TMB

    will you please email the additional pictures ccb sent you as well. 11568 is who I had decided on, but I was always afraid of the ears too and ccb said the same thing to me "he grew into them". I don't know why they didn't offer to send me any additional pictures they have of him.


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    Hey TMB,

    We are very interested in 11568 and I have enjoyed reading all of your posts on him. Congrats on your BFP! I was wondering if you would be willing to share more information and photos on this donor? My email address is kccubbies@gmail.com

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    Dear TMB,

    My partner and I have been undecided about 11568 because of his ears but we also couldn't resist what a happy and adorable baby he was. In the end, his charming looks, good medical history and great personality far overshadowed his ears. You mentioned you had photos of when 11568 was an older child. Would you be so kind and share them with us? Our email address is IntoAurora@aol.com. Thanks for your generosity!

    Rosalinda and Heidi
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    Dear TMB,

    My partner and I to have decided to go with donor 11568. Wondering if you would mind passing on the additional pictures. My email is mdipaul1@tecny.rr.com

    Thanks so much!
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    I tried to e-amil you and got a delivery notification failed due to domain name fail. Do you have another e-mail address?

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    sorry typo...mdipaul1@twcny.rr.com
    fingers crossed...had our iui today with 11568..
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    The board shows that the last post was from you on this thread. I don't see it. Weird.

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    TMB thanks again for the photos!
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    Hi TMB
    I am using this donor next month. I have his lp but i would like more info if you are willing to share.I would like to see his older picture. simonecute1@aol.com thanks
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    Hi tmb,
    I selected 11568 and have tried to get pregnant twice already...no luck yet. I will be trying again in a few days. I am so excited to hear that you received additional pictures of him and would absolutely love it if you could email them to me. Just like many others, I have also been concerned about the ears. My email address is: lrouah@aol.com

    Thank you in advance,
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    Hi TMB,

    I bought his sperm two years ago and now I have a beautiful baby girl. I will realy be greatful if you could send me the extra photo you got.
    I suppose, one day, my babygirl would like to know as much as she can about him and, I want to be able to give her the information some day. By the way, she is very beautiful (much more than I am- and I suppose he deserves the credit for that)
    My email is: Michal936@hotmail.com (sorry for my english.I don't live in US)
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