Hi Anyone have success with donor 13353? Jun 2014


  • I did twice on the first try but kept losing the babies due to my own fertility issues, not his. An excellent donor.
  • Thank U, I'm so sorry for your lost : ( did you know if anyone it's pregnant with him? Or recently have baby ? I want to contact them : )
  • One woman had a boy a few months ago but hasn't been on the boards since.
  • Sweettheart thank you for you help, tías very kind of you, I reed The old posts and I'm aware of your process, how everythig goes? Take care
  • My Doctor did me an IUI in May 28 I have 21 days of pregnancy, I'm a little bit concerned about everything I have read here but any way I hope to continue well, I'm 39 .....
  • I did 1 cycle of IVF with donor 13353. Did PGD, and found 3 chromosomally normal embryos out of 6 tested (all 3 are girls!). One embryo was abnormal due to my egg, one was abnormal due to the sperm (but they did ICSI, so maybe the embryologist just picked a bad sperm?), and one had no test results. I'm in the process of hiring a surrogate, so I won't be able to report an actual pregnancy or live birth for a while, but so far, so good!
  • Thank U, Raon for The info, everything its all right with me : ) today 1.5 months I Feel great and the baby growing perfect, The Best energy and so much blessing in your process

  • I also have had success with this donor the first time using his sperm (my 5th IUI overall) :-). I will be 35 weeks as of this thursday. I'm glad you feel great, I have had nausea and vomiting throughout my pregnancy...but am looking forward to seeing my baby girl within the next 6 weeks :-)

    If you want to keep in touch, my email address is krmurray1908@yahoo.com.

  • Congratulations Kathryn I'm 14 weeks all ready : ) feel pretty good, I'd like to be in touch with you of course, Best whishes for you, blessings for your baby girl.

  • I am also pregnant with Donor 13353.... a little boy! I am due in January! Would love to keep in contact with others.
  • Hi Amanduh congratulations! I am due in Feb its a baby boy too : )
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