Am I the only one??

I can't stand not getting pregnant anymore. After trying and trying and trying we found out that he's sterile. At first I thought it was me and started getting worried because nothing was happening. After a trip to the urologist and a semen analyis it's him. I feel so lost sometimes and can't imagine how this can happen to 2 people that love each other so much.

I'm sorry for the vent but my heart is so heavy right now..


  • That's what we're here for... and I'm not going to say that I know what you're going through because, in this case, I don't.

    Keep loving him... he's crushed far more than you probably know.

    And you can still have your family... you will just have to do it a different way, that's all... that's what we're all doing that are here, you know.
  • MissC...I'm sorry for your heartache, but as ualtigger said, he's probably just as upset. You two need to comfort each other and then figure out what plan of action you're willing to take. Sometimes the male is hesitant about his wife getting pregnant by donor insemination for several reasons. I would try to schedule an appointment with your OB and go over your options. Maybe your doctor can help answer any questions that your husband may have.

    We're here to listen, comfort and give advise anytime that you need us. Hang in there and please KUP.
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