
Donor 11385

I have a few questions actually...

I have a 1 month old daughter by this donor and she is amazing! I was curious as to how many pregnancies have been reported for this donor?

Also, it says that the donor has blond hair and green eyes. Could you tell me what shade of blond it is (light, dark, strawberry etc.) and what shade of green his eyes are (hazel, light, dark and so on..)

I also was curious as to how well the celeb look a likes match this donor. I was originally told he resembled Eric Dane or Leonardo Dicaprio through the eyes. The look a likes mentioned are neither of these. I guess I am most curious about the donors eyes. The feature profile said his eyes were almond and large but he is described as having "hooded" eyes and the celebs mentioned all have small eyes. Could you describe his eyes a bit more for me. I am trying to determine what my daughters eyes might look like as she gets older.

Thanks in advance!


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    Wonderful to hear about your daughter!

    There are more than 5 pregnancies reported for this donor.

    His hair is sort of a dirty blond and his eyes are some what deep set and hooded. It is hard for me to tell the specific eye color from the picture I have.

    I think Eric Dane is a good match and will add him to the look-a-likes listed. Leonardo isn't really the same general look, but I see where the connection could be made around the eyes.

    I recommend you email astratton@cryobank.com for more details. Andrea worked with the donor directly and can tell you more about him than I can from his picture.


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