
Donors 13708, 13149, 12656

Hello there! I was wondering if you could give me any information on the number of reported pregnancies and sperm count post thaw for Donors 13708, 13149, and 12656...We have narrowed our search down to these 3 donors, and are set to have our first IUI in January! :) Any information you could provide would be so much appreciated!!!


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    Hi Wally -

    Congrats on starting the process!

    Donor 13708 and Donor 13149 currently have less than 5 reported pregnancies.

    Donor 12656 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.

    Please keep in mind that the number of reported pregnancies is related to the popularity of a donor's characteristics and/or the length of time a donor has been available on our catalog.

    All donors are highly screened for specimen quality and are fully capable of contributing to a pregnancy. In general, CCB donors' sperm quality is in the top 15-20% of the male population and less than 1% of applicants actually become CCB donors. Here's a short video on our screening process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NurCUuZaa1c

    Also, here's a link to our Specimen Quality Standards: http://cryobank.com/Why-Use-Us/Specimen-Quality-Standards/

    It's important to choose a donor that is a good fit for you and to remember that we already filtered out 99% of the applicants. Any CCB donor that you choose will give you the same chance of success.

    Best of luck!

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    Hey Nicole! Thank-You so much for your response! I was wondering if you could tell me if you have any reported births from any of these donors? Also, would it be possible to find out how long these donors were available in your catalog?

    Again, thank you so much1 We know we are in great hands with CCB :)

    Courtney :)
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    Hi Courtney -

    You're welcome!

    Only Donor 12656 has reported births. For Donor 13708 it is too soon for a birth and for Donor 13149 it is entirely possibly for births, but we haven't received an official report.

    Another thing to keep in mind is while many of our clients are quick to report pregnancies, we usually don't get birth reports until clients call back to ship vials for a sibling, check on their storage accounts, etc. Sometimes clients also post about their baby on our Bulletin Boards, Facebook page, or Sibling Registry but don't officially report the birth to us, which is a shame because we love getting those phone calls!

    Donor 13708 - Available for almost a year
    Donor 13149 - Available for about 2.5 years
    Donor 12656 - Available for about 3.5 years


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    You are amazing! Thank-you again! Our original plan for IUI in January got pushed back, so we now will have our first IUI this month! Fingers crossed we will one day soon be able to report a pregnancy to you, and in the near future a birth :)

    Courtney :)
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