
Does everyone do a home test before the blood test?

I was wondering if anyone waits the full two weeks and only does a blood test?? I was wondering for the ladies that have gotten BFP, do you do a home test? How many days after IUI can you do a home test?

This is my second IUI and the first time was so hard for me to see a BNP. I want to surprise my wife if I am Prego this time, idk if I should take one at home though. The two week wait sucks!


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    Hey there! Funny you should ask...my wife and I finally just got our BFP on our 4th round of IUI. For the first three, which were all BFN, we never took HPT (home pregnancy test) we would always just wait for our BETA. This time around though we ended up taking HPT on 12dpiui and got our BFP! I had no symptoms making me feel as though we were pregnant...we just had decided to test at home this time before BETA! I am so glad we did!

    What dpiui are you? When is your BETA
    Sending lots of baby dust your way!

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    Oh wow!! Big congrats to you!!! That's so exciting! I'm only 2 days post IUI, and I feel no different than I did the first time which was a BFN. My BETA is on the 27th. I'm supposed to start AF next Friday so I guess if I don't start then maybe I'll do a home test. Congrats again!!!!!
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    My doctor always had us take a HPT and only did the BETA test once we got a BFP on a HPT. He had us test 12dpiui. When I did finally get the BFP I was so surprised because I was convinced that AF was coming. My symptoms when I got the BFP felt exactly same as when I got the BFN. The TWW is truly the hardest part of this whole process.
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    Thank you for the feedback. Doing the beta only if you have a BFP makes sense, I was kinda thinking about that too! I've convinced myself that I'm not Prego cause I feel the same as last time and it was a BFN. We shall see next weekend for sure.
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    Hi Luck Baby,

    Good luck to you! We're on our third try and I am 9dpici... I ovulated early and my doc was still on vacation when I O'd. lol The doc has advised us to take HPT on day 12 and then if it's positive go in for BETA. :) Good luck and baby dust to you and your wife!! :D
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    Hi! I got AF early on day 8 post IUI:(
    So onto round three next month. Question for you ladies, did you use any fertility drugs? I've tried natural and medicated and neither has worked. Just trying to see what's best for the third try.
    Good luck to you!!!!'
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    Hey Lucky Baby!

    I am so sorry AF reared her ugly head :( She is my least favorite Aunt! Keep the faith though...stay positive.

    For us all 4 cycles were medicated. We used Clomid each time. Our first two were Clomid 100mg and the last two were on Clomid 150mg. We used Ovidrel trigger shot for first cycle, then our Dr. switched us to Pregnyl for the rest.
    What medication were you on for your medicated round? How many follies did you end up having @ time of IUI?

    Here is to hoping the 3rd time is truly the charm for you!

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    I did Clomid the first round, idk the exact dose and ovidrel trigger shot. It's so financially and emotionally draining. Hopefully 3 rd times the charm. I'm going to try donor 14088, what donor did you go with the 4th time? Thank you!
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    Lucky Baby,

    I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that this will be your time! I know it is such a rollercoaster of emotions...but hang in there! It does happen. My wife and I were pretty much resigned to the fact this may never happen, or at least in the near future...but how wrong we were.
    Our first cycle we used 13708 and did back to back IUIs. He had terrible numbers so we switched after that first cycle. Our last 3 cycles were all done using 12656. We ended up getting pregnant on a single IUI...

    If you have any questions feel free to ask...we are an open book!

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    Thank you Courtney! How far along are you? Did your doctor ever say why it wasn't working?
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    Lucky Baby 15,

    The Doctor pretty much thought we were right on par with the average times it takes to be successful. Now, I know that it felt like this was taking it's sweet time...my wife and I resigned to the fact this may never happen, or at least not in the near future. We were so wrong. Just keep the faith and stay positive. I know this is trying and draining in every way possible. Our dr. told us that being that we were a same sex couple, she felt that 6 tries should be our max; that if it was going to happen with IUI it would happen by the 6th. We had asked her about doing injectables w/ IUI or a hybrid cycle (oral and injectable stims) with IUI...but she truly felt that sticking to the Clomid and trigger only was going to work for us eventually. I am so thankful we listened to her...because it was that next cycle we got pregnant. Have you started you next round yet?!

    Today we are 7 weeks 1 day! We had our first ultrasound yesterday. It was so amazing to see our lil baby and hear their heartbeat. Everything looks great so far!

    Stay positive and just keep believing in this process...soon you will get to see and hear your lil one. Everything it took you to get to that moment will fade away, and everything will be perfect....just the way it was meant to be!

    I am always here if you have any questions!

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    Thanks so much Courtney you really made me feel better!! I'm so excited for you! Congrats to your and your wife!!
    I am going to go this next cycle when I start my period in August. I did a natural cycle for the 2nd IUI and I really think my opk kit was off ( I ran out of test strips and started over with a brand new monitor and everything the night before I got my LH surge on the opk) anyways my wife wants me to just listen to the doctor and do the Clomid and trigger until we get Prego, hopefully it will happen this next time cause dang it's expensive! Thanks for making my feel better:)
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    Oh I was going to ask you if you did all of your cycles back to back or did you put any time in between IUI's. I have to space mine out a bit because of financial reasons. I was wondering if that mattered at all for success rates?
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    Hey girlie!
    Thank you so much...we are beyond excited!!!

    I am so glad you felt better! I know it will happen for you both! When it does you will be beyond ecstatic! :)

    I know when we started this process...all my tests had come back great. My progesterone was just on the low side of normal; so the Dr. mentioned to us about using Clomid. At first she suggested a natural cycle, but then my wife and I decided to go ahead and use Clomid from the start. I never had any side effects from the Clomid. My Dr. had me take it at night before bed, so if I were to have SE I would sleep through them. I may have had a hot flash here of there...but on a whole I was fine! I was worried about my lining being thinned out from the Clomid...as I heard it was a possibility with this med. I really never had a problem with this though. There were 2 cycles that on first follie check ultrasound, day 12, my lining was on the thinner side. However, they always felt it would thicken up and be just fine...two days later at next follie check it was always perfect! The cycle we ended up pregnant on, this happened :)
    I know it is a tough decision to make on whether to use medication or not. I have seen women on this board who have had success on the first, and also unmedicated, IUI. I know some people worry about multiples with medication. For us, two of my cycles produced multiple mature follicles...this last cycle I had 3 mature...and am having a singleton! It is such a personal choice. For me, I am glad we went with the Clomid. I also liked using the trigger shot, as I felt that this helped us take some of the guesswork out of the timing side. For our first 2 cycles, we did back to back IUIs each cycle. First was 24 hours after trigger shot...and the second was at 48 hours after trigger. That didn't work for us. On our 3rd cycle, we got backed into only doing 1 IUI because of the Memorial Day holiday, our Dr. was closed. That one was done around 38 hours after trigger...BFN. This last one, where we ended up pregnant, we had 1 vial at the Dr. office because of the month before. The Dr. wanted us to order second vial and go back to the back to back. I said I wanted to just use up the 1 vial we had there....IUI 36 hours after trigger! Well that was our BFP recipe!

    When it came to spacing...our first cycle and second cycle (both were in March, one the very beginning and one the very end) were done back to back. Then we took a month off (April) and then did a cycle in May and finally June. I asked my Dr. when we were deciding on whether to take a month off if it mattered. They told us there is nothing proven that continuing back to back every month would give one any more of a chance of getting pregnant. We took April off to take a breather and recharge. So I am pretty confident either way it is a-ok!

    I am sorry for such a long book! I really hope that I didn't confuse you!

    Stay strong...and think positive!

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    Thank you for all of the info! I hope we can keep in touch..... My e-mail is mischa.martinez86@gmail.com
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    Courtney I thought of a question for you and anyone else that would like to answer!

    Did you also use opk kits to track ovulation or just rely o ultrasounds? My first IUI (medicated) I went in around CD15 and I was not ready to trigger, the following week I went in and my doctor was stuck in surgery at the hospital so I saw a different doctor. He didn't tell me how many eggs I had only that I was ready to trigger ( I didn't know the size either and didn't ask because I didn't know) also they had me tigger at 8 pm and did the IUI at 2:00 pm the next day, not even 24 hours..... I've also read some woman's doctors do blood work to try to pinpoint ovulation, mine did not.
    Is there an actual way the doctors can tell that you are ovulating or that the egg was released????

    Trying to get advice to see if I should be questioning some of the things my dr is doing......
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    Hey girlie!

    Well the only month we ended up using OPK was our first cycle. Coincidentally, that was the only cycle we had bloodwork drawn to see what was going on with my follies. When we went in for our CD 12 scan for that first cycle, my follies weren't ready. Went back two days later, no real change in follies. Went back again, two days later, and we actually had some movement backwards in the follie growth. So they took some blood to see where my e2 and progesterone levels were and based on the results we were either going to scrap the cycle or continue. Well they called and all my levels were great, they saw no reason why the follies wouldn't continue to grow and they could tell my body wasn't naturally nearing the LH surge. So they scheduled my next apt for two days later. They told me to monitor myself with OPK day before my next apt to just make sure I don't detect surge. Well sure enough @ 10PM I got my surge. Called the on call Dr. who told me since my apt was at 8am the next morning I would be ok...they would trigger me then. Went in for last ultrasound to confirm...and my follies were ready for trigger and we did IUI 24 and 48 hours later. Other than that first cycle, we only relied on ultrasounds are trigger shot to make sure we were ready to go. Every Dr. is different, but my Dr. will not trigger until the lead follie is @ 20mm (although my first cycle I was only at 19, but my LH surge was coming naturally, so we had to go with it or lose the cycle). They would always have my progesterone level drawn 7dpiui...which helps them confirm ovulation. While it doesn't let them know exactly how many actual eggs you released, it lets them know if you successfully ovulated. Also, the more mature follies one has, the higher they want to see that number, this can kind of tell them that maybe you ovulated more than 1. I do have a friend, who when on injectables, her Dr. does ultrasound day after IUI to see how many eggs released. I asked my doctor and she felt it wasn't necessary.

    Hmmm....it sounds like maybe your Dr. office had your timing off. You seem to have had your IUI super close to your trigger. I know for the months we did single IUI our earliest after trigger was 36 hours. The months we did 2 inseminations we were 24 and then 48 hours after trigger.

    Again, sorry for the long response. If you want to e-mail feel free! My e-mail is wally030306@yahoo.com :)

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