

Okay, so here's the deal. I went in for my 3rd IUI on August 6th, they put me on Femara, which I was allergic to, not fun, couldn't breath and my anxiety was out of this world, was due to start my period on Sunday, August 22nd. I tested, and again got my BFN. Well I only spotted on Sunday and didn't actually start my period until Wednesday, Aug 25th. I'm never late, always on a 28 day cycle like clock work. I had to go in Friday (yesterday) to get my baseline ultrasound and blood work to make sure all was good to go for round 4.

Well my results came back.... My follies measured out at 18 thru 22, which they said being that big only the 3rd day of my cycle wasn't good. So then the Dr calls me and says that my Estrogen level was 120 when it should be between 20-40. I called them back and she said it could be due to regulatory cysts which are what your follies are if they are left over from last month? So basically they said I have to sit out this month and wait until I start next month.

Has anyone expeirenced this before and if so was your next cycle normal? I'm just so frustrated, if it's not one thing it's another. We just want a baby, why is that so much to ask and so darn difficult!!!!!! I swear everyone I know is pregnant.......

Any advice or your storied would be great, thanks for listening.....
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