First timers success I what to hear from you! If you did ICI or IUI with first time success

First timers success I what to hear from you! If you did ICI or IUI with first time success
With or without fertility drugs


  • Hi baby67890,

    I was successful in getting pregnant the first time with an IUI and fertility drugs, but lost the pregnancy at 18 weeks due to an incompetant cervix.
  • I tried ICI three times about six years ago and no luck.. I tried IUI one time no fertility drugs and got pregnant, and now I have a beautiful little 5 month old..
  • Hi, I was successful with my first IUI without meds. My RE had thought it would take 1-3 attempts. I am 9 weeks 1 day pregnant. I feel very grateful and blessed.
  • Tried ICI 9 times with no luck, First IUI on Clomid we got pregnant and now have a beautiful 3 month old baby girl!!
  • We did unmedicated/natural IUI and got a BFP on our first try...I was 35 years old...we now have a beautiful 4 month old little girl.
  • We did IUI with no medication and got pregnant the first time!! My daughter is almost a year and I feel so blessed! We are going to be trying for our second in the next few weeks but I am thinking I won't be as lucky the second time around.
  • We did IUI with no medication for all 4 of our kids and got pregnant the first try each time! We know we were very fortunate and now have 4 wonderful children. 2 girls and 2 boys ages 2,4,6,and 9.
  • 4littlebums...that is wonderful success! Congratulations!
  • 4 little bums and Misty and Carla,

    I am so inspired by your stories. I too am doing an IUI with no medication. When you got your positive ovulation test how soon after did you do the IUI? Did you test at night or in the morning? I think timing is so critical and I am curious how it worked for you ladies since you both have found success!
  • I am almost in my 10th week and got pregnant on my first IUI. I debated weather or not to try ICI since I come from a very fertile family...I'm glad I went with IUI. I was doing at home ovulation tests that peaked regularly at 15 days...the test showed the same result in the month of my insemination, however, I used a fertility doctor and they tracked my ovulation with almost daily sonograms and blood tests as it got closer. My body wasn't actually ready until day 22! HORMONES, THEY'RE CRAZY!!!
  • Faithnhope,
    My first child was with a fertility Doc and everything was monitored with u/s and tests and they looked at the sperm under a microscope after thawing...BUT my other 3 were in my regular OB office very basic. I tracked my own ovulation at home she thawed the sperm on the counter and she inseminated (IUI) that was it...alot less stressful than with the fertility Doc and the same success!

    As far as when to inseminate we did 2 days in a row. We tested for LH surge in the morning. On the day of my surge we inseminated later that day and the next morning. We followed this with each pregnancy and for me I wouldn't change a thing...

    we are thinking about one more try... time will tell

    Good luck to you!!!!
  • 4littlebums,
    Did you have to ask if your ob would do it in the office or did they offer?
  • crysnwendi05,
    I moved after my first child and lived about 45 min from a fertility clinic. When I made a yearly appt with my new OB I mentioned to her that I wanted to have another baby but would need a new fertility clinic. She said offered to do it in
    her office. It was nice cause she was there in the beginning and the end with my last we are very good friends.
  • We just found out last week that our first try worked! We did IUI, no drugs and we did 2 inseminations 2 days in a row...however, i think 1 would've been sufficient. My advice - don't make yourself crazy reading negative stuff and be sure to pray about it. Ps 37 - Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart! A promise I stand on!
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