
!!WARNING!! 11325 is miscarriage prone

I did some research on 11325 before I purchased vials and saw that he had 5 reported pregnancies and 1 reported miscarriage. From his birthday on the long profile I also saw that he was 37 at the time when vials were taken and his report said that he had no children of his own?? I find this odd.
His vials had good counts and good motility, but I think there's some other underlying issue that is not allowing pregnancies to progress. I became pregnant the first time I used this donor and sure enough I'm 8 weeks today with little to no progress and no heartbeat. I have a D&C scheduled for 8/31 and I'm so devastated.
I have had so many screenings and my eggs were tested when I did IVF so I know I'm not the problem. I also have a healthy daughter conceived naturally with my first husband so I know I can carry a pregnancy.
I have one more vial of this donor and even though I spent $535 on it I think I will accept my losses and DH and I will select a new donor. Hard decision for us because this donor was real attractive to both of us as far as beign similar to my husband's features.
Good luck to everyone still trying for that BFP. If there's anyone out there who has had a successful pregnany with 11325 I would love to hear about it!


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    Also forgot to mention that I found 2 other womens stories on other threads where they said they also had miscarriages with this donor at 7-8 weeks. No success stories though... just noticing a pattern here.
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    Thank you for sharing
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    Riley I am so sorry for your loss.

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    So sorry for your loss. I am not sure if you have decided to try again with 11325 but i wanted to let you know that we had a successful pregnancy and birth with this donor.

    Good luck!

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    Hi Riley - I've seen your posting on a couple of other threads and wanted to let you know we also had a successful live birth with this donor. I'm sorry you've had so much trouble :(
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