11444 Offspring~~any yet?

Interested in corresponding with families using Donor 11444. Also would like to know if anyone having used this donor is currently pregnant or has had any offspring yet.

Anxious to hear back!


  • First timer here. I just decided to go with donor 11444. I will keep in touch and let you know.
  • please let me know what happens as I am considering using this donor my e mail is 38izgreat@gmail.com thanks
  • I decided on donor 11444 and I had my first insemination last Thursday. I will let you know in about a week if it was successful.
  • ICI done sunday now I'm in my 2ww. Come to think of it for that amount of money I was expecting a bigger vial lol, but I just keep hoping. Baby dust AEL
  • Hi! We are considering this donor as well. How did everything go? Anyone get a BFP?
  • Nothing happened.1st and last try. I will have someone do it for me this way is too much stress..
  • I had my third insemination with this donor last week. I don't want to test until next wednesday (that'll be two weeks), but I may end up testing Christmas morning just to see. I've had consistently good counts with this donor, so I'm hoping one of the four vials I purchased will take. Thanks for the babydust AMOUY!
  • If anyone can update me too I am considering using this donor for IVF in Febuary of 2011 Please let us know if anyone gets pregnant or has a child by this donor thank you
  • From my heart!!! Ladies, rather than to ask advice from others on which donor you should select, it's all about YOU! Not that it matters what someone else thinks of who you have selected as a donor nor does it matter what the outcome is of anyone else's IVF. None of this has any bearing on comparing one woman's situation to another. Way too many factors encompass,impact and influence the success or unsuccess of your process through this journey! Focus on what's most important to you in a person and follow that desire, and in doing so, you will narrow your selection down from those profiles available,read about them, study them, choose your "must haves" in the profiles,pick out what's most significant to you in a man, qualities and traits etc, and by then you have weeded some out. Then prioritize who is still remaining on your list of prince charmings and then make your selection. Call CCB and discuss with them if you can't figure it out--they are an enormous amount of support to all of us! So many people get on this site and back and forth about this donor, that donor, are you pregnant, are you not, this fertility medication, that process, how many times, how many failed attempts on and on and on. Does this all really matter? At the end of the day "no, it really doesn't." The only one thing that matters is your success and what works for one woman may not work for another. We are all different and our individualism is just as unique as is our timing, is all different from one another in our success down this road.

    After starting my journey in June of 2007,1 ICI, 4 IUI's, 4 IVF's, many unsuccessful attempts I faced but didn't give up. I knew then it was time to get a helper. Finally, I am expecting twins June 2011 through a surrogate and I am delighted that the donor is 11444. I'm excited beyond belief!!! It has truly been a long road....and belief it or not my first 9 attempts were using a different donor. A week before the process I decided to switch my donor to 11444. Very excited.

    Follow your dreams, all things are possible! XOXO
  • Any one pregnant yet from using 11444?
  • I've gone through four attempts with this donor. I am not pregnant, so my doctor wants me to go in for some diagnostics. I will probably have those done this week. After that, I will most likely take a few months off to save up some more money. I purchased 6 more vials of this donor before the prices went up Jan 1. I am really hoping that I get pregnant with this donor. Jlynn62- Congratulations to you. If you are open to it, we should keep in contact. Once I'm pregnant with this donor, I would love for my child(ren) to know their half-siblings.
  • AMOUY- Have you had any success yet? How many inseminations have you had with this donor?
  • HI AEL and jlynn62 I would love to get an update as to Jlynn62 how is the seraget doing everything still going ok? and AEP when do you plan to start up again? I am doing my first IVF starting next week very nervous and I used this donor for my very first unmedicated IUI back in 2009 when he had no known pregnancys with no luck and my DH looks just like this donor when he was a baby and has the same ethnic background.. so I am praying hard that this works if you would like to keep in touch my email is jennmg13@yahoo.com
  • Sorry AEL
  • Hi, AEL
    I only did one.I decided to try again I will let you know.
  • I took a month off. My diagnostics went well. No apparent issues. My doctor said that I may have some endometriosis, but to keep trying. The last round I used clomid, and I would like to keep using clomid. Have any of you been put on progesterone? I'm thinking that I might ask my doctor to put me on some as I start spotting about 4-5 days before CD1. I think I will start trying again in March as I should have my tax refund by then (thank God for the IRS!!) :)
    Good luck to you all. Will keep you updated.
  • Hi AEL I hope March is your Month!! I hope it is mine too I will find out if my first IVF with donor 11444 worked on March 14th :) Good Luck Amouy and Jylnn62 I would love to hear how your surragote is doing with the Twins.. I had 3 embryos transfered on march 3rd..
  • Hi jennmg! Lots and lots of baby dust to you! Definitely keep us updated. I expect that I will go in for an IUI at the end of this week, so I will let you know in a few weeks if I am pregnant.

    I was wondering if anyone wanted to share their reasons for choosing this donor. I personally chose this donor because of his baby picture (he is so dang cute!) and because I think that ethnically mixed children tend to be the most beautiful and the healthiest. I also like that this donor has a passion for Chinese. I like in his profile that a lot of people warned him off studying Chinese, but he did it anyway, and he excelled at it. This shows an admiral stubborness that I can relate to. I also have a passion for languages, so that, coupled with his health and his ethnicity compelled me to choose him.
  • AEL I picked 11444 because My husband is lebanese and Palestinen so He was the closest that I could come to having the same background as my husband. Also he looks so much like my husband when he was a baby.. So that is my primary reason for picking him. When I saw his baby picture I had an instant connection to him :) so I am praying this first IVF will be the ticket to becoming parents for us.
    I did 5 IUI's last year all BFN and the only time I I have used this donor was my very first IUI it w was non medicated. WE tried 2more with a different donor from here then 2more with a different donor from Cryojenics labs and still had no luck. So that is why we went to IVF.
  • Ael I just did two HPTs and I got a BFP!!!! I go for bloodwork on Monday I will let you know what happens!! I am praying for you! ;) this is my first ever BFP!!
  • My first beta was 100 and I go back wednesday for another one :)
  • My 2nd beta was 242 I am going to have my first ultrasound on March 28 I will let you know how it goes!
  • Hi all,
    I'm happy to report that with the 6th attempt with donor 11444, I am pregnant! I found out on Wedesday. I went for a blood test to make sure. My doctor was a little concerned with the low HCG level (34), so they sent me back for another blood test today. This one was 67, so it pretty much doubled, which is what they were looking for. They said it is still a little low, but we'll just have to keep an eye on it. Think positive thoughts!

    I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but right after the insemination, I had an orgasm (in private of course). I took my vibe with me in the hopes that the orgasm would help move the sperm up into the tubes---seemed to work!

    Anyway, I'll keep you posted.
  • Hey Jennmg, I didn't see your posts (they were hiding on page 2). Congratulations! We'll have to keep each other updated!
  • Thanks AEL CONGRATS I will be Praying for you!!! I am currently 12weeks and 5days and going to have an NT Scan today so wish me luck.. Everything has been going great saw hb at 6wks 2days and the last sonogram I had done was at 11wks and 3days and the baby was moving alot and the hb was 160 so all is good so far.. keep those numbers doubling AEL :)
  • Just wanted to let you all know that I had a miscarriage. I am really sad right now, but I try to remain positive. I still have four more vials, and at least I know I can get pregnant.
  • AEL,

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I was rooting for you to have a full term pregnancy.

    In the past few months I have read so many threads on CCB bulletin. Many women going through this process have had miscarriages. It's really the worse thing when you have tried so hard to conceive and was looking forward to motherhood.

    I hope that time will heal the emotional pains you are going through now. Take care of your body so you can try again soon.
  • AEL I am so Sorry for your loss This is such a stressful journey and I was truley excited for you.. I am glad you are looking at the positive You got pregnant!! Did they find out what caused it? you dont have to share if you dont want too but maybe if they figured it out they can provent it from happinging again... I am praying for you and hope that the next one will be the one that takes... :) where you on progesterone?
  • Hi Hayley and jennmg,
    Thanks for the condolences. I am truly looking forward to trying again. My doctor told me that I should wait one cycle before trying, and I just started my period yesterday, so I will be able to get an insemination in two weeks (yay!). I'm crossing my fingers that it will take again. I read in a few different places that women actually seem to be more fertile after miscarriage, so I'm staying as positive about this as possible.

    As for reasons, my doctor thinks it was just one of those things. I've read that as many as one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage. It usually has to do with chromosomal abnormalities, and there is nothing you can do to prevent the miscarriage. He doesn't think it had anything to do with me. Yes, I was on progesterone. I am going to continue with the clomid and progesterone.

    Please keep your fingers crossed for me! I cannot wait to be pregnant again.
  • just wanted to give an update I am currently 28wks and 4days and everything is going along so far so good. I will be due November 19th 2011 and we are having a Boy.. we did a 3d/4d Sonagram at 26wks and he looks perfect very active baby and very cute too... God bless AEL and anyone else using 11444 I wish you all the luck in the world.. I will let everyone after the baby is born and we know all is well... :) We did IVF incase you dont read the other posts... :)