
Bad embryo results after PGD testing


My wife suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks about a month ago so we decided to test our remaining 5 frozen embryos to see if there were issues. We got the results back and 4/5 embryos had chromosome abnormalities. Only 1 is normal and we are terrified that she either won't get pregnant or the 1 embryo won't survive the unfreezing and refreezing again.

Has anyone gone through something similar? Our fear is that if this doesn't work and we need to do another egg retrieval that we will have similar embryos again. With the high cost of IVF and testing we aren't sure if it makes sense. Thoughts? Thanks!!


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    Hi There.

    I did IVF with PGD and think that PGD is definitely the way to go. It only takes one normal embryo to produce a beautiful child I will say though that I had to do two IVF's. The first IVF resulted in a chemical pregnancy after only four weeks, At the time, they transferred one normal embryo and one that came back unknown. The second IVF resulted in them transferring two embryos, both normal. One implanted resulting in me producing a very healthy child. What I did different the second time (the successful time) was honestly making sure that after embryo transfer I stayed home, tried to be stress free and honestly stayed in bed for four days while eating very light and healthy. I know doctors say to resume normal activity, but I was terrified that I would do something wrong which would interfere with implantation into the uterine wall. Also, the night before the IVF transfer I went to the spa and had an amazing massage which I think helped aligned my body and allowed it to do its thing. It helped relieve my stress levels and after following this strict protocol worked!! Now we have a beautiful son who is extremely healthy and achieving his milestones now. He is five months old now and so beautiful! If your wife had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and it was her first time getting pregnant, that is actually in my opinion a great sign that her body can become pregnant! My recommendation is if you really want a child, keep trying. I had my first baby at 43 years of age. :) It only takes one embryo to implant. Also, I am assuming that those embryos are blastocysts? My blasts survived the freezing and unfreezing with no problems. Good luck to you and hope your dreams come true. For us, its been a long journey and results were worth it.
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    Thanks mom2be! This is very helpful. Wishing you all the best!!
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    No Problem! Blessings to you and please, no matter what stay positive! I always believe that every half empty glass is always half full and if you believe, your dreams will come true.
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